The Superintendent of Schools will make the initial placement of employees, administrators, teachers, and non-certificated staff on the respective salary schedules based on the following criteria for each:
1. Guidelines for Administration:
1.1 Initial Placement:
1.1.1 Experience: Each step of the salary schedule will represent the successful completion of one year of administration as a certified person.
1.1.2 Maximum Step Credit: The maximum credit allowable for experience is one year.
1.1.3 Limitations of Provisions: The above provisions will not be interpreted to restrict the Board from granting higher or lower placement when, on the advice of the Superintendent, recruiting conditions require exceptions.
2. Guidelines for Teachers:
2.1 Initial Placement:
2.1.1 Experience: Each step of the salary schedule will represent the successful completion of one year of teaching. A year of teaching used for experience can be counted if the educator was certificated or approved through Alternative Routes to Licensure, Academic Pathway to Teaching, an approved and completed internship or an Authorization.
2.1.2 Maximum Step Credit: Teachers who have more than 7 years of successful teaching, as a certified person, in any Local Education Agency (LEA) or accredited private educational institution in or out of state will receive a maximum of 7 years for initial placement on the salary schedule. In addition, such teachers will move in 2-year increments on the appropriate lane of the salary schedule until the step they’re on matches the actual years taught or they reach the top step of the salary schedule, whichever comes first.
2.1.3 LEA Specific Education Licenses Individuals pursuing LEA Specific Education License through the APT or ARL program will receive initial placement on the salary schedule based on their previous work experience that specifically relates to the classes they will be teaching as follows: If the individual maintained a license required by their profession verified through the Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing or another states licensing division, they will receive one step for every two years worked under the license with consideration given for a maximum of 10 years experience. They will then move in 1-year increments on the appropriate lane of the salary schedule.
2.1.4 Limitations of Provisions: The above provisions will not be interpreted to restrict the Board from granting higher or lower placement when, on the advice of the Superintendent, recruiting conditions require exceptions.
3. Guidelines for Non-certified Staff:
3.1 Initial Placement:
3.1.1 Experience: Each step of the salary schedule will represent the successful completion of one year of work experience related to the job advertised.
3.1.2 Maximum Step Credit: The maximum credit allowable for experience is five years.
3.1.3. Limitations of Provisions: The above provisions will not be interpreted to restrict the Board from granting higher or lower placement when, on the advice of the Superintendent, recruiting conditions require exceptions.
Effective date of service credit change for teachers from 5 to 7 is January 1, 2017.
Revised 11/09/93
Revised 10/10/18
Revised 09/11/19
Revised 12/09/20