School Web Site:

Principal:  Brett Beagley This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vice Principal: Stuart Hepworth This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Secretary: Robin Hessey This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • The following designations or levels apply to educator licenses, license areas (i.e.-elementary, secondary, special education), and content endorsements (i.e.-mathematics, music, Spanish, social studies):
    • Professional: The educator has completed an educator preparation program that includes content and pedagogical knowledge. This program may have been completed at a university or in an alternate pathway that was supported by school districts/charters and the Utah State Board of Education.
    • Associate: The educator is currently completing an educator preparation program, but has not yet completed all requirements for a Professional Educator License, license area, or endorsement. The educator is enrolled in a university-based or Local Education Agency (LEA)-based program. When the educator completes the program, they will have a professional level.
    • LEA-Specific: The educator has not completed an educator preparation and is not currently enrolled in one
  • As of 01-24-2025, this school employs educators with the following types of licensure:
    • Professional License - 94%
    • Associate License - 3%
    • LEA-specific License - 3%
    • Not USBE Qualified - 0%
  • Individual educator credentials are public information and may be found here:

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Our mission:
To prepare our students with individualized opportunities and pathways in an atmosphere in which all members of a safe, diverse, and engaged small community appreciate and strive for excellence.



Address: 430 West 100 South, Monroe

Phone: (435) 527-4651/ 527-4652

Mascot: Rams
School Colors: red, and white

Teacher Availability:

Monday – Thursday 7:30AM – 3:30PM

Friday 7:30AM – 1:30PM


ABOUT South Sevier High School

South Sevier High School has a current enrollment of 430 students in grades 9-12. Our faculty members are 100% degreed for their teaching assignments. 74% of our faculty members hold graduate degrees.