Temp 42.49 Feels Like 38.77
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

1. Purpose Statement

The Literacy Coach is responsible for supporting all K-5 staff in the implementation of the site reading plan and program. The Coach works directly with teachers in a school providing classroom-based demonstrations, collaborative and one-on-one support, and facilitating teacher inquiry and related professional development. The Coach focuses on enhancing teachers’ ability to provide instruction that builds students’ sense of engagement in the ownership of learning. The Coach also works with administrators and teachers to collect and analyze data, interpret, and use it to guide instructional decisions in the implementation of a 3-Tiered Model. Additionally, Literacy Coaches assist the Principal with administrative functions of the school as assigned by the Principal, including facilities management and scheduling, student activities, school safety and security, emergency procedures, instructional field trips, assembly and special programs, and other areas.

2. Essential Functions

2.1 Instruction Coaching
In collaboration with the Principal:
2.2 Provide support, mentoring, and assistance to classroom teachers in the full and skillful implementation of the basal reading program.
2.3 Serve as a resource for identifying appropriate instructional strategies and Tier 1 interventions to address diverse learning needs and to improve all students’ achievement.
2.4 Conduct demonstration lessons using research-based instructional strategies.
2.5 Assist teachers in designing and delivering effective instruction.
2.6 Collaborate with grade-level teams to set goals for improving Tier 1 instruction.
2.7 Observe instruction in classrooms during the literacy block and provide “next step” support for all teachers.
2.8 Prepare forms, records, schedules, and reports, as directed.
2.9 Implement an effective mentoring program for each provisional (teachers under an LEA Specific or Associate License) teacher in the school.
2.10 The instructional coach (IC)/vice principal (VP) will commit to implementing and sustaining Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as outlined in the district plan at the district, school, and classroom level. IC/VP will take a tiered approach that will lead to improvement of student behavioral, social, emotional, mental health, and academic success. The IC/VP will build local capacity, enhance PBIS fidelity across tiers, and improve student outcomes by coaching individuals, teams, and support systems. The IC/VP will maintain a close relationship with the school PBIS facilitator to determine the implementation status and action plan around areas of improvement. IC/VP will participate in creating and implementing the school's positive behavior plan which is approved annually by the school board.

3. Assessment
In collaboration with the Principal:
3.1 Assist with the planning, training, and administration of assessments (benchmark, progress monitoring, summative, etc.).
3.2 Guide teachers in the use of screening, diagnostic, classroom-based (progress monitoring), and outcome assessments.
3.3 Assist grade-level teams in the analysis and use of assessment data to identify students for additional instruction, as well as to improve overall student achievement.
3.4 Provide support and assistance to all teachers in implementing effective interventions and monitoring the effectiveness of interventions.
3.5 Meet regularly with PLC teams to review student assessment data and assess progress toward grade-level goals.
3.6 Lead grade-level teams in the analysis of data from screening, diagnostic, classroom-based (progress monitoring), and outcome assessments to make adjustments in program implementation and professional development plans.

4. School Wide Professional Learning Support
In collaboration with the Principal:
4.1 Organize, schedule, and/or provide on-site staff development to ensure teachers are knowledgeable about SBRR, the core reading program, and supplemental materials, intervention strategies for struggling readers, assessment administration, and the use of assessment data for instructional planning.
4.2 Collaborate with teachers, administrators, and other reading specialists to identify campus and district professional development needs.
4.3 Attend meetings as directed.
4.4 Stay abreast of current reading issues by participating in training sessions presented by SBRR specialists or professional development providers.
4.5 Plan/conduct training of instructional assistants.

5. Intervention
In collaboration with the Principal:
5.1 Ensure the implementation of Tier 2 interventions.
5.2 Meet with teachers to analyze data and identify students in need of Tier 2 intervention.
5.3 Develop and implement intervention process for students not meeting learning standards.
5.4 Coordinate with Special Education teachers to involve special ed. students in the intervention programs.
5.5 Manage technology-based programs for both Tier 1 and Tier 2.

6. Administrative Duties

In collaboration with the Principal:
6.1 Assist Principal in managing a variety of school administrative functions (e.g. student disciplinary policy, assigned personnel, student supervision, etc.) for the purpose of enforcing school, District, and state policy and maintaining safety and efficiency of school operations.
6.2 Design and create the Master Schedule in close collaboration with principal, counselor, and department heads.

6.3 Performs other related duties as assigned for the purpose of ensuring the efficient and effective functioning of the school.
6.4 In the absence of the Principal, the Literacy Coach acts as the building administrator.
6.5 The Literacy Coach position includes supervision of extra-curricular activities outside of the regular school day.

7. Job Requirements: Minimum Qualifications
7.1 Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary or Early Childhood Education, Master’s Degree preferred.
7.2 Current Utah Level 2 or 3 teaching license.
7.3 Level 1 Reading endorsement (or earn one within 3 years of being hired as a Literacy Coach).
7.4 Administrative endorsement (or earn one within 3 years of being hired as a Literacy Coach).
7.5 Possess a strong understanding of literacy development and effective practices that support students’ acquisition of literacy skills.
7.6 The ability to work effectively with adult learners.
7.7 The ability to skillfully offer constructive feedback to facilitate change.
7.8 The ability to be flexible, open and willing to implement new ideas in the classroom.
7.9 The ability to organize and prioritize responsibilities, projects and tasks.
7.10 The ability to work as a team.
7.11 Professional business attire required (i.e. no jeans, flip flops, or shorts).
7.12 The ability to seek resources and solutions to effectively solve problems.
7.13 Individuals with full-time administrative contracts are not allowed extra-curricular coaching assignments.
7.14 Individuals with part-time administrative contracts (less than .80 FTE) are not allowed extra-curricular coaching assignments beyond one activity.

Salary Grade District Salary Schedule for teachers + $5,000 stipend
Contract: Standard contract +10 days using a district calendar signed by the school principal.

Approved: 06/20/18
Revised: 07/15/20
Revised 11/15/23