Temp 65.48 Feels Like 63.93
Sunrise 6:25 am
Sunset 8:43 pm

1. Electronic meetings authorized
The Board authorizes its meetings to be held through electronic means as set forth in this policy. Such electronic means may include communications by telephone, telecommunications, computer, or similar methods of remote communication. Unless specifically stated by this policy, the other policies governing Board meetings (relating to notice, meetings being open to the public, and other matters) also apply to Board meetings held through electronic means.

2. Definitions
2.1 The following terms are used in this policy:
2.1.1 Primary location: A designated physical location from which the electronic meeting originates or to which participants are connected.
2.1.2 Electronic notice: electronic mail (email) or fax.

3. Member request required for an electronic meeting
A Board meeting may be held as an electronic meeting only upon request of a member of the Board. This request must be made at least 3 days prior to the time that the Board meeting is scheduled so that the necessary arrangements can be made for the electronic meeting.
Utah Code § 52-4-207 (2011)

4. Notice to board members of an electronic meeting
After an electronic meeting has been scheduled, and at least 24 hours before the meeting, the members of the Board shall be notified of the electronic meeting and informed how members of the Board will be connected to the meeting.

5. Primary location at regular meeting location
The primary location for the electronic meeting shall be in the building where the Board meeting would have been held if it were not held electronically.

6. Electronic meeting not available for site visit or traveling tour
When the scheduled meeting is a site visit or traveling tour, the meeting may not be conducted or convened electronically.

7. Public notice of an electronic meeting
7.1 In addition to providing and posting the notices required for other Board meetings, the Board shall provide at least 24 hours’ advance written or electronic notice of the electronic meeting to:
7.1.1 A newspaper of general circulation within the state; and
7.1.2 A local media correspondent.
7.2 The Board shall also post written notice of the electronic meeting at the primary location at least 24 hours prior to the electronic meeting. The notices of the electronic meeting shall specify the primary location of the meeting.

8. Public access to electronic meetings
8.1 Space and facilities shall be provided at the primary location of an electronic meeting of the Board to permit members of the public to attend and monitor the electronic meeting (except those portions of such a meeting which have been properly closed to the public by the Board). If the Board meeting is one at which comments from the public will be accepted, then the space and facilities shall also permit members of the public to participate in the electronic meeting. In this section,
8.1.1 “Monitor” means to hear and/or see, live, all statements made by each Board member in the meeting (by speaker, computer screen, or other medium).
8.1.2 “Participate” means to be able to communicate with all Board members in the meeting, such that each Board member can hear or see the communication.
8.2 Members of the public are not entitled to monitor or attend electronic meetings except through the space and facilities provided at the primary location. (Members of the public cannot request an electronic meeting and do not have the right to be remotely connected to a Board meeting except as set forth in this section.)

Utah Code § 52-4-207 (2011)

Approved: 06/24/20