1. Board Directive
The Board recognizes that maintaining a high level of immunization among the students contributes to the health and well-being of the total community. Therefore, the Board authorizes the Administration to establish immunization screening procedures and to exclude from school those students who are not either immunized or exempted as required by Utah Code Ann. §53A-11-301 et seq. and any applicable Utah Department of Health rules.
2. Administration Policy
The Administration shall be responsible for establishing policy by which the level of immunization of all students can be determined and appropriate action can be taken in cases where immunization levels do not comply with the law.
2.1. Local schools shall be responsible to monitor the immunization records and compliance of all students. District nurses shall serve as advisers to the school in this process.
2.2. Within five business days after the student enrolls in a school, a person designated by the principal or other administrator shall determine whether the school has received an immunization record for the student. The school nurse shall review the student’s immunization record for compliance with the requirements for that record and shall identify any deficiencies in the immunization record.
2.3. Each school shall request an immunization record for each student at the time the student enrolls in the school and shall retain the immunization record as a part of the student’s permanent school record. A student may not enter school without a certificate of immunization from a permitted source (which are the legally responsible individual of the student, the student’s former school, or a statewide registry) that shows either that student has received all required vaccinations or that the student has immunity from the disease for which the vaccination is required or that the student is exempt from receiving the vaccination. Unless the student qualifies for a conditional enrollment from immunization as follows:
2.3.1. Conditional Enrollment
A student who at the time of school enrollment has not been completely immunized against each disease specified by the Utah Department of Health may attend school under a conditional enrollment if the student has received one dose of each specified vaccine prior to enrollment and is on schedule for subsequent immunizations. A military child, as defined in Utah Code §53A-1-1001, shall be given 30 days from the day of enrollment to receive one dose of each specified vaccine and to be on schedule for subsequent immunizations. Conditional Enrollment Review
If upon review it is determined that the school has not received an immunization records for a newly enrolled student, or that there are deficiencies in the immunization record, the school shall place the student on conditional enrollment and within five days of doing so provide written notice (in person or by mail) to the student’s legally responsible person. This notice shall state that the student has been placed on conditional enrollment for failing to meet the immunization record requirements, shall describe the deficiencies in the immunization record or state that no immunization record has been provided, shall give notice that the student will not be allowed to attend school unless a compliant immunization record is provided or the deficiencies are cured within the conditional enrollment period, and shall describe the process for the obtaining a required vaccination. Utah Code §53A-11-304(2)(b) (2017) Utah code §53A-11-306(2)(a) (2017) If the school receives a compliant immunization record within the conditional enrollment period, the school shall remove the conditional enrollment status. Unless an extension is granted as provided below, if the record is not provided within the conditional enrollment period, the student shall be prohibited from attending the school. Utah code §53A-11-306(2)(b). (c) (2017) Exclusion of Conditionally Enrolled Students
The conditional enrollment period is the time period during which the student’s immunization record is under review by the school or 21 calendar days after the school provides notice of the lack of or a deficiency in an immunization record. Where the student is receiving multiple doses of a required vaccine, the principal or other administrator shall extend the conditional enrollment period by the amount of time medically recommended to complete all required vaccination dosages. The principal or other administrator may grant an extension of the conditional enrollment period if there is agreement between the administrator and a school nurse, health official, or health official designee that an extension will likely lead to compliance with the immunization record requirement. Referral to Juvenile Court
Parents or guardians of children who are prohibited from attending school for failure to comply with the provisions of conditional enrollment shall be referred to the juvenile court. Exemption from Immunization Vaccination with required vaccines is not a prerequisite for admission to the District schools if the student qualifies for a medical or personal exemption to the vaccination requirement. A student qualifies for the medical exemption if the student’s legally responsible individual provides the school with: A completed vaccination exemption form and A written notice signed by a licensed health care provider stating that, due to the physical condition of the student, administration of the vaccine would endanger the student's life or health. A student qualifies for the personal exemption if the student’s legally responsible individual provides the school with a completed vaccination form stating that the student is exempt from the vaccination because of a personal or religious belief. A vaccination exemption form is valid for as long as the student remains at the school to which the form is first presented. If the student changes schools before the student is old enough to enroll in kindergarten, the form accepted as valid at the student’s previous school is valid until the earlier of the day on which the student enrolls in kindergarten or turns six years old. If the student changes schools after the student is old enough to enroll in kindergarten but before the student is eligible to enroll in grade 7, the form accepted as valid at the student’s previous school is valid until the earlier of the day on which the student enrolls in grade 7 or turns twelve years old. (However, regardless of a school change before grade 7 or age twelve, an exemption form obtained through the online education module is valid for at least 2 years.) If the student changes schools after the student is old enough to enroll in grade 7, the form accepted as valid at the student’s previous school is valid until the student completes grade 12. Utah Code § 53A-11-302 (2017)
2.4. With respect to any student for whom a school does not have a Utah School Immunization Record, the school shall notify by mail, telephone or in person the parent, legal guardian, a legal-age brother or sister of a student who is without parent or guardian, or the student if of legal age, before school begins that:
2.4.1. The school has no Utah School Immunization Record for the student.
2.4.2. The student may have 21 days after registration to provide proof of immunization or evidence that the student qualifies for conditional enrollment or is exempted on medical, personal or religious grounds.
2.4.3. The student may be immunized and receive certification by a private physician or public health authorities.
2.4.4. Immunizations are available from the local health department.
2.5. Students moving into Utah during the summer shall be notified of these requirements at the time of first registration.
2.6. Each school shall maintain on file an official Utah School Immunization Record for each student or a Utah Department of Health Personal Exemption Form if the student claims a personal exemption. A copy of the certificate shall be made available to the parent or guardian, or the student is of legal age, when the student withdraws, transfers, is promoted, or otherwise leaves the school, or the school shall transfer the certificate with the student's school record to the new school.
2.7. The principal shall identify all who have not completed their immunization program as outlined by the State Board of Health and notify the coordinator of Educational Support Services of any students who are excluded from school because of failure to meet immunization requirements.
2.8. Exclusions of students who are under exemption or conditionally enrolled status will follow Utah Code §53A-11-306(1),(2)(d) (2017) Utah Admin. Rules R396-100-7(December 5, 2014)
2.9. The District and district schools may share a student immunization record or other records relating to vaccination or immunization with other schools or school districts and with local and state health departments and the Utah Department of Human Services as necessary to ensure compliance with student immunization requirements and to prevent, investigate, and control the causes of epidemic, infectious, communicable, and other diseases affecting the public health. Utah Code § 26-1-17.5 (2017)
2.10. Upon request, a school shall provide a student’s immunization record to a new school to which a student transfers (this does not require consent of the student’s legally responsible individual). Utah Code § 53A-11-304(3) (2017)
Approved: 05/17/17
Revised: 04/18/18