Temp 35.96 Feels Like 32.63
Sunrise 7:17 am
Sunset 6:07 pm

1. Board Directive

Boards of Education are by law (Utah Code §53A-11-201through203) committed to the testing and examining of every student within their jurisdiction to ascertain if such student has impaired or defective vision.  Students with vision problems are affected academically, socially, and psychologically.  Therefore, the Board shall delegate the responsibility of providing for vision testing throughout the District to the Administration.

2. Administrative Policy

Educational Support Services, in cooperation with the District nurse, shall be responsible for the development and annual review of the District Vision Testing Program.

2.1. Objectives

The objectives in the District Vision Testing Program shall be:

2.1.1. To educate students in practices of good eye safety.
2.1.2. To identify students with impaired vision.
2.1.3. To help students with impaired vision obtain adequate medical attention and glasses as needed.
2.1.4. To initiate necessary adjustments in the educational programming of students with impaired vision to help them compensate for their disability.
2.1.5. To provide basic data which may be utilized in planning to meet the special needs of visually impaired students throughout the District.

2.2. Procedures

Grades to be screened each year for distance vision will be a minimum of preschool, kindergarten, first, third, fifth and one grade in middle school.  The vision testing program shall make special provision for testing of the following:

2.2.1. Students moving into a school from another district.

2.2.2. Students enrolled in special education.

2.2.3. Students referred by classroom teachers, principals, parents, or other school personnel.

2.2.4. Exemptions will be provided to students with a written statement signed by at least one parent or legal guardian that the screening violates the personal beliefs of the parent or legal guardian.

2.2.5. According to §53A-11-203 a child under nine (9) years of age entering school for the first time must present the following to the school: a certificate signed by a licensed physician, optometrist, or other licensed health professional stating that the child has received vision screening; or a written statement signed by at least one parent or legal guardian of the child that the screening violates the personal beliefs of the parent or legal guardian. Sevier School District nurses may conduct free pre-kindergarten vision screening clinics.

2.3. Administration

Vision screening shall be administered under the direction of the District nurse per Sevier School District Vision Screening Rules.

2.3.1. Parent volunteers and/or school personnel may assist with screenings.

2.3.2. The District nurse trains volunteers in the vision screening process and is on site during the entire screening.

2.3.3. A licensed health care professional may participate in the District’s free vision screening program only according to §53A-11-203 guidelines.

2.3.4. The District nurse reviews the screening results and determines which students require a second screening or are referred for further follow-up.

2.4. Referral
Vision screening referral guidelines shall be developed by the Department of Health.   Referrals shall be considered for further visual testing whenever additional information concerning vision is needed for vision impaired services.

2.5. Follow-up              

2.5.1. Parents will be informed, in writing, in a timely manner whenever their child fails a vision screening.      

2.5.2. Teachers, principals and other school personnel shall be informed concerning those students needing vision follow up and/or special accommodations.

2.6. Reporting

2.6.1. Recording of the vision test results of all students shall be made on the cumulative health card and/or electronic file under the direction of the District nurse.

2.6.2. District nurses shall submit a yearly report of referrals to the Division of Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, State Office of Education for children aged 31/2 to 9.

2.6.3. Vision reports shall be confidential and made available only to DSBVI and District personnel who are directly responsible for the management of the student.

Approved:     05/17/17