Temp 58.46 Feels Like 55.74
Sunrise 7:45 am
Sunset 6:40 pm

Sevier School District promotes an environment conducive to teaching and learning. The Board recognizes that electronic devices can be either valuable instructional tools or sources of disruption, depending on how and when they are used. In order to maintain an effective learning environment, and to promote respect and courtesy among students, the Board adopts this policy governing student use of electronic devices.

2.1. A personal electronic device is any electronic device that is not owned by the district.

2.2. A district-owned electronic device is any electronic device that is owned by the district. If an electronic device has been sold through the district’s surplus process, it is no longer considered a district-owned device.

2.3. All devices, personal or district-owned, that are on district property, at a district-sponsored event, or are connected to district networks or district systems must comply with the contents of this and other applicable District policies.

3.1. Personal electronic devices are susceptible to loss, theft, and damage.

3.2. The district is not responsible for the security or safekeeping of personal electronic devices and is not financially responsible for their loss, theft, or damage.

3.3. Students bring personal electronic devices to school at their own risk.


4.1. Electronic devices may be used during a class period or school activity when specifically approved by the teacher or a school administrator in conjunction with educationally appropriate objectives. a teacher or school administrator should only authorize the use of electronic devices during a class period or other school activity when it benefits and enhances the students’ education. Permitted uses may be addressed in a disclosure document provided by the teacher outlining class rules, procedures, and expectations. The use of student cell phones during a class or school activity may be subject to an officially adopted School Policy Restricting Cell Phone Usage.

4.2. Individual schools have the discretion to further prohibit student use of electronic devices, including during class breaks, lunch periods, or other times during school. Schools also have the discretion to designate certain times and/or areas on the school campus for student use of electronic devices during school hours. Elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools may adopt varying levels of use restrictions on electronic devices based upon the age and maturity of the students. The use of student cell phones during class breaks, lunch periods, or other times during school may be subject to an officially adopted School Policy Restricting Cell Phone Usage.

4.3. Students may use electronic devices during class time when authorized pursuant to an Individualized Education Program (IEP), a Section 504 Plan, or a Health Care Plan.

4.4. The use of electronic devices may be prohibited by students during state and federally mandated tests and assessments, unless specifically allowed by law, an IEP, a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, a Health Care Plan, or testing/assessment directions.

5.1. Students shall not use electronic devices at any time or place for: (a) activities which disrupt the educational environment or significantly impair academic excellence; (b) illegal activities in violation of state or federal laws or regulations; (c) unethical activities, such as cheating on assignments or tests; (d) immoral or pornographic activities, including, but not limited to, sexting; (e) activities which threaten, humiliate, harass, or intimidate others; (f) activities in violation of Board or school policies and procedures relating to student conduct and harassment; (g) activities which invade the privacy of others; or (h) activities which constitute bullying or cyberbullying. Such student misuses will be dealt with as serious school violations, and immediate and appropriate disciplinary action will be imposed, including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion from school.

5.2. Electronic devices used in violation of this policy may be confiscated by school personnel and returned to the student or parent / guardian at an appropriate time. If an electronic device is confiscated, the electronic device shall be taken to the school’s main office to be identified, placed in a secure area, and returned to the student and/or the student’s parent/guardian in a consistent and orderly way.

6.1. First Violation: Depending upon the nature and seriousness of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and a conference between the student and school principal or assistant principal. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until such time as the student personally comes to the school’s main office and retrieves the electronic device and receives a verbal warning. The administrator may also notify the parent.

6.2. Second Violation: Depending upon the nature and seriousness of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and a conference between the student and his/her parent/guardian and the school principal or assistant principal. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until such time as the student’s parent/guardian personally comes to the school’s main office and retrieves the electronic device and is informed of this policy and what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate uses of electronic devices.

6.3. Third Violation: Depending upon the nature and seriousness of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration, a conference between the student and his/her parent/guardian and the school principal or assistant principal, and suspension of the student from school. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until such time as the student’s parent/guardian personally comes to the school’s main office and retrieves the electronic device and is informed of this policy and what constitutes appropriate and inappropriate uses of electronic devices.

6.4. Subsequent Violations: Students who are repeat offenders of this policy shall be subject to the imposition of any appropriate disciplinary action, which may include suspension and expulsion from school.

6.5. Students and/or parents/guardians, as applicable, are expected to claim a confiscated electronic device within ten (10) days of the date it was relinquished. The school shall not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for any unclaimed electronic devices after this time period.

7.1. Electronic devices with the capacity to record, stream, or otherwise transmit images or audio may not be used at any time in any school situation where a reasonable expectation of personal privacy exists. These locations and circumstances include, but are not limited to, locker rooms, shower facilities, restrooms, and any other areas where students or others may change clothes or be in any stage or degree of disrobing or changing clothes. The superintendent and building principals are authorized to determine other specific locations and situations where use of an electronic device is absolutely prohibited.

7.2. Students may not record, stream, or otherwise transmit images, videos, or audio captured with an electronic device in a way that constitutes a prohibited use under section 5 or that otherwise violates District policy.

7.3. In addition to disciplinary action by the District, unauthorized recording or transmitting may subject a student to civil or criminal liability, including eavesdropping or invasion of privacy.

Approved: 12/8/04

Revised: 09/05/07

Revised: 06/19/14

Revised: 09/10/14

Revised: 09/14/16
Revised: 10/12/16

Revised: 06/19/24