Temp 41.97 Feels Like 38.16
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

1. Purpose

To implement State Board of Education rules which direct the Sevier School District Board of Education to implement a policy regarding work-based learning programs for secondary school students. To provide direction to schools as they provide work-based learning programs and to establish criteria.

2. Definition of Terms

2.1 "Apprenticeship" means a structured method of instruction whereby a student age 16 or older participates as an apprentice in a specific occupation-training program through a sponsoring employer. This process is approved by the Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT). Upon successful completion of the training and of the prior identified classroom course work, a student is awarded nationally recognized journeyman status in that specific occupation. It is a paid experience and the training student is referred to as an apprentice.

2.2 "Careful supervision" is defined as providing training safeguards and workplace supervision.

2.3 "Internship" means a structured method of instruction whereby students train with an employer for an occupation relative to their occupational interest, academic preparation, and career goal. An employer site mentor supervises the student intern in workplace activities. Activities may include learning a variety of skills related to different job stations/levels within an occupation, participation in a company special project or learning advanced skills to a specific single occupation. It is a paid or unpaid experience and the training student is referred to as a work-based learning intern.

2.4 "Job Shadowing" means an opportunity for a student to follow an employee at a company for part(s) of one or more days to learn about a particular occupation or job assignment. It is recommended for middle school and early high school students as part of career exploration activities. It may be implemented in context with a particular course of study. Generally, this is an unpaid experience.

2.5 “Paid Intern or Paid Work Experience” means that if the student is in a paid status, the payment would be the responsibility of the Employer and not Sevier School District.

2.6 "Parent(s)" is the person(s) who has legal guardianship responsibilities for the student.

2.7 "School-based Enterprise" means a business set up on a school site and run by supervised students. Students learn to apply "practical" skills in the production of goods or services for sale or use by others. The money generated from the business can be used to fund student organizations, materials, equipment, facilities, improvement, and other items necessary to maintain or improve the program or school.

2.8 "Service-based Learning" means a method of instruction, which combines community service with a structured school-based opportunity emphasizing the connections between service experiences and academic learning. A K-12 grade student participating in a service-based learning program is referred to as a service intern.

2.9 "Student Education Occupation Plan (SEOP)" or "College and Career Readiness (CCR)" means a primary strategy for recognizing student accomplishments and strengths and for planning, monitoring, and managing education and career development in grades 7-12. This is achieved through an ongoing partnership involving students, parents, school counselors, and other school personnel.

2.10 "Work-based Learning" means activities that involve actual work experience or connect classroom learning to workplace learning.

2.11 "Worksite" or "Workplace,” means the actual location where employment/training occurs for a particular occupation(s), or an environment that simulates all aspects/elements of that employment, for instance, school-based enterprises.

3. Policy

3.1 Under the direction of the superintendent, school principals are authorized to administer this policy in their respective schools. This document focuses on the work-based learning to further define and outline approved procedures. Work-based learning opportunities include, but may not be limited to: Apprenticeship, Internship, Job Shadowing, Service-based Enterprise, and School-based Learning.

3.1.1 Student Eligibility
For work-based learning activities, the Student Education Occupation Plan (SEOP) or College and Career Readiness plan (CCR) is used as a qualifying indicator for students to participate in a work-based learning experience. The SEOP or CCR will indicate student interest in and classroom preparation for a specific field of study, which will be matched with cooperating employers to provide work-site experiences for students.
Students must also meet specific program eligibility requirements as outlined by the program which may include gpa, grade level, graduation progress, behavior expectations, etc.

3.1.2 Student Records The following documents must be completed and on file at the school for students participating in work-based learning (exceptions may apply to students participating in job-shadowing): SEOP or CCR with matching career goal and sequence of courses Student Application Training Agreement between student, parent(s), employer, and education institution Student Job Activities/Skills Grid Work Site Assessment/Evaluation Student Work Record Student Evaluation

3.1.3 Training regarding Health Hazards and Safety Procedures in the Workplace:

Students will be informed of safety and health hazards in the workplace through related courses and employer instructions. Students will not be placed in training sites, except under "careful supervision" and in accordance with Federal Child Labor Laws. Employers will assure a safe work environment and will discuss all safety issues or concerns with the education supervisor during a review of the worksite and prior to the student work-based learning experience.

3.1.4 Standards and Procedures for Approval of Off-Campus Work Sites:

Work-site experiences may be provided through a cooperating employer in the public sector, private sector, through service learning or school-based enterprises. Work-based learning may be paid or unpaid. Paid and unpaid experiences will follow guidelines outlined in the document, "Child Labor Requirements in Nonagricultural Occupations under the Fair Labor Standards Act, US Department of Labor, WH-1330, revised August 1990." School-to-registered apprenticeship will follow guidelines outlined in the document, “Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training (BAT). Adhering to the intent of the U. S. Department of Labor document, "Employment Relationship Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, WH Publication 1297, (Reprinted August 1985), an unpaid intern may not: (a) displace a regular employee, (b) fill a vacancy that a new hire would normally fill, (c) be given exclusive duties to the disadvantage of a regular employee that would normally be assigned those duties, nor (d) perform services that clearly bring profit to the business. (The internship should be focused on the training and exposure of the intern to the employer and the work experience, not solely to increase profits). Employers will assume responsibility for meaningful training.

3.1.5 Student Transportation

Students participating in school organized career awareness field trips are transported by school district approved carriers. For students participating in work-based learning programs (except as noted above), the determination of the method for transporting students to and from the work site is the parents' responsibility.

3.1.6 Appropriate Supervision at the Work Site: The cooperating employer/supervisor will: provide "careful supervision" at the work site for student training, assume responsibility for meaningful training, communicate on a regular basis with the education supervisor, consult the program coordinator/supervisor regarding problems related to the work experience; if immediate action is not critical, contact the program coordinator/supervisor before considering a student's (1) suspension from an assigned work site, or (2) transfer to another work-site, or (3) termination. record attendance and performance of the student trainee, provide coordinator/supervisor an evaluation of trainees' work, conform to State and Federal Labor Laws, have workers' compensation under which a trainee is covered (if paid experience). The education supervisor will: approve the cooperating employer, work site, and training, inform students of safety and health hazards in the workplace, assure “careful supervision” of the student at the training site, coordinate with the employer on student training evaluation. Insurance coverage: For paid work employment, work injuries and occupational disease insurance benefits are covered by the employer's workers' compensation (Utah Code 53G-7-903). For unpaid work experiences, work injuries, and occupational disease, insurance benefits are covered by the local educational agency's workers' compensation as specified by Utah SB 28. The determination of additional insurance coverage for the student is the parents' responsibility. Appropriate Involvement and Approval by the Student's Parent(s) in the Work-based Learning Program; The parent(s) will: partner with the school, school counselor, school personnel, student, by participating in the SEOP or CCR process, support the student's participation in the work-based learning program, determine the method of transporting students to and from the work site, assume responsibility for the student's released time from school. Related Training
Job shadowing shall not require related training, as this experience will take place within the context of the course in which the student is enrolled. An internship will follow a previously studied theory/skill-related course. Interns must be concurrently enrolled and attend or have successfully passed the critical work place skills course. Credit Earned
An internship shall generate a letter grade and credit. Not more than two (2) credits per year shall be earned unless special permission from the principal and district student learning director is obtained. Students released from school to work that are not participating in the work based learning program will not earn credit toward graduation.

Approved: 11/14/12