Temp 58.46 Feels Like 55.74
Sunrise 7:45 am
Sunset 6:40 pm

The following fees, standards, and procedures are established in compliance with the Utah State Office of Education School Fee Policy. The school district, in coordination with schools, recommends fees in order to run programs and activities for students. The Board of Education authorizes the fees. The school district and schools require set fees in order to maintain a level of consistency and equity across the district. However, other fees can vary depending on individual school needs.

FEE WAIVER requests must be received in the school year that the fees are applicable and assessed for no later than October 31 of each school year. There is no ability to request a fee waiver for a prior year’s fees. All fees must be paid or a complete and approved fee waiver application filed with the school prior to participation in any activity or event. (These requirements are explained further below.)

To access a School Fee Waiver Application please contact your school or click on the link below:


Click to access the 22-23 Fee and Spending Plan

Click to access the 23-24 Fee and Spending Plan

Click to access the 24-25 preliminary Fee and Spending Plan

1. Notice of Fees and Fee Policy

1.1. Prior to scheduled registration. Before the scheduled registration, copies of the following documents shall be sent to the parents or guardians of each student attending, scheduled to attend, or applying to attend a school in Sevier School District:
1.1.1. This policy (Policy 3035), including the current year fee schedule.
1.1.2. The standard USOE school fees notice applicable to the student, one of the following: “School Fees Notice for Families of Children in Kindergarten Through Sixth Grades.” School Fees Notice for Families of Students in Grades Seven Through Twelve.”
1.1.3. The standard USOE fee waiver application form applicable to the student, one of the following: “Fee Waiver Application (Grades K-6)” “Fee Waiver Application (Grades 7-12)”
1.1.4. The standard USOE “Community Service Obligations” form.
1.2. Prior to later registration. For any student who registers later in the school year, the documents listed above will be provided to the student’s parents or guardians at the time the student is registered.
1.3. At school. Each school shall post 2 copies of the standard USOE posters regarding school fees and fee waivers. One copy must be posted in a visible location in the registration room of each secondary school during fall registration; the other must be posted in a conspicuous place where students congregate during the school day. The posters should be at least 11” x 17”.

2. Payment of Fees

2.1 When due. Fees are due and payable at the time of registration. All fees must be paid, or a complete fee waiver application filed with the school, before participation in any activity or event. Except as provided below, fees for the current year must be paid no later than October 31.
2.2 Completion of community service. Where a student receives a community service assignment in connection with a fee waiver, the community service shall be completed by the date set out in the assignment but in any event no later than 30 days before the end of the school year.
2.3 Suspension of fee requirement pending waiver decision. The requirement that fees be paid is suspended from the time that an application for a fee waiver is submitted until the student’s eligibility is finally determined (including any appeals). If a fee waiver is granted, the fees are satisfied through the community service obligation and no money is paid.
2.4 Actions on unpaid fees. If school fees remain unpaid after the payment deadline, legal action may be taken to collect the fees from the student’s parent or guardian as determined by the principal (if the student is over 18, collection action may also be taken against the student). Schools may not withhold a student’s diploma or transcripts for unpaid school fees.

3. Fee Waiver Applications

3.1 Timing. Fee waiver applications may be submitted anytime from the end of the prior school year up through October 31 of the school year for which the fees are charged. Fee waiver applications submitted after October 31 need not be considered, except that applications for students enrolling after the beginning of the school year should be considered if submitted within 60 days after the student enrolls. The principal may consider a late application for good cause, but this is solely in the principal’s discretion to decide and there is no appeal from the principal’s decision.
3.2 Completeness. Fee waiver applications are made using the standard USOE Fee Waiver Application form and by providing the supporting documentation identified on that form. The required supporting documentation must be submitted with the application. If the required supporting documentation is not provided, the parent or guardian shall be notified and the application will be treated as a contingent application if the required supporting documentation is submitted within 14 days of notice of incompleteness. If the supporting documentation is not submitted within 14 days of notice, the contingent application shall be rejected as deficient and the fee payment requirement shall no longer be suspended.

4. Decisions on Fee Waiver Applications

4.1 Decision by principal. The principal evaluates fee waiver applications and decides whether the application should be granted.
4.2 Notice of decision. The principal shall give the parent or guardian written notice of the principal’s decision on the fee waiver application using the standard USOE Fee Waiver Decision and Appeal Form. Where the application is denied as incomplete for lack of required documentation, the principal shall identify what information is missing and shall also inform the parent or guardian that the application will be considered finally rejected if the documentation is not provided within 14 days.
4.3 Treatment of eligible students. Students who have been granted fee waivers shall not be treated differently from other students, nor shall students who have been granted fee waivers be identified to persons who do not need to know of that status.

5. Community Service Obligation

5.1 Upon approval of a fee waiver application, the principal shall use the standard USOE “Community Service Assignment and Notice of Appeal Rights” form to notify the parent or guardian of the community service assignment which the student will need to complete.
5.2 The types of service required will be community service at the school (such as tutorial assistance to other students or service as an aide outside of school hours), community service in the community, or (when special needs require it) community service done at home.
5.3 The community service requirements given by the principal must be appropriate to the age, physical condition, and maturity of the student, must be conducted in such a way that students are not subjected to embarrassment, ridicule, or humiliation, must avoid excessive burdens on students and families, must give proper consideration to a student’s educational and transportation needs and other responsibilities, and must not provide a direct benefit to school employees or their families.
5.4 The portion of fees relating to textbooks is not included in the fees for which community service is required.
5.5 Community service credit towards the amount of fees shall be awarded at a per hour rate equal to the current federal adult minimum wage.

6. Appeal of Denial of Fee Waiver

6.1 Appeal process. A parent or guardian may appeal the denial of a fee waiver as follows:
6.1.1 The first step to appeal is to mail or hand-deliver a written appeal to the principal within ten (10) school days after receiving the written notice of decision. The parent or guardian may use the “Notice of Appeal” portion of the “Fee Waiver Decision and Appeal Form,” but that is not required. The appeal must be in writing and must include the name of the parent or guardian, the name of the student, the date of the appeal, and the reasons why the denial of the fee waiver was incorrect or should be reconsidered. Except as stated below, the principal or the principal’s designee will contact the parent or guardian within two (2) weeks after receiving the appeal to schedule a meeting with the parent or guardian to discuss the concerns raised by the parent or guardian. During the appeal meeting, the parent or guardian may present the principal or designee with such additional information as is desired regarding the fee waiver decision. Following the appeal meeting, the principal or designee will provide written notice within two (2) weeks of the decision on the appeal. The parent or guardian may appeal the decision of the principal or designee by mailing or hand delivering a written appeal to the assistant superintendent or designee within ten (10) school days after receiving the written notice of decision. The appeal must be in writing and must include the name of the parent or guardian, the name of the student, the date of the appeal, and the reasons why the denial of the fee waiver was incorrect or should be reconsidered. Except as stated below, the assistant superintendent or his or her designee (which may not be the principal who made the initial decision) will contact the parent or guardian within two (2) weeks after receiving the appeal to schedule a meeting with the parent or guardian to discuss the concerns raised by the parent or guardian. During the appeal meeting, the parent or guardian may present the assistant superintendent or designee with such additional information as is desired regarding the fee waiver decision. Following the appeal meeting, the assistant superintendent or designee will provide written notice of the decision on the appeal. This decision is final and may not be further appealed.
6.1.2 Exceptions to appeal process. Lack of required documentation. Where an application is denied as deficient because the required documentation has not been submitted, this appeal process does not apply, and the parent or guardian may only appeal by submitting the documentation within the 14 day period as stated in Sections 4.2. and 5.2. above. (If the parent or guardian timely provides the necessary documentation and the fee waiver request is again denied, the parent or guardian may then appeal under the regular appeal process.) Lack of reasons for appeal. If the written appeal at either level does not include a statement of reasons why the decision being appealed is incorrect or should be reconsidered, instead of scheduling an appeal meeting, the person appealed to may give written notice that no appeal meeting will be scheduled unless an adequate statement is provided within seven (7) days. If the statement is timely provided, the appeal meeting shall be scheduled. If the statement is not timely provided, the appeal shall be deemed denied, with no further appeal.

7. Appeal of Community Service Assignment

7.1 Appeal process. A community service assignment may be appealed by following the same process used for appealing a waiver application decision, except that if the parent or guardian wishes to use a prepared form to submit the appeal, the school shall upon request provide a copy of the standard USOE “Appeal of Community Service Assignment Form” for the parent or guardian to use.

8. Documentation and Record-Keeping

8.1 The Superintendent or designee shall keep a copy of the Board-approved fee schedule and fee policies applicable to each school year.
8.2 Schools shall maintain a copy of all documents relating to fee waiver applications (applications, decisions, community service assignments, written appeals, decisions on appeals). However, schools shall not retain the supporting documentation (for example, tax returns or pay stubs) after a decision has been made on the application.

9. Certification of Compliance

9.1 School principals, for the principal’s school, and the Superintendent and Board President, for the Sevier School District, shall confirm that fee practices and procedures are in compliance with the assurances contained in the standard Utah State Office of Education certifications of compliance.
9.2 After a principal has confirmed compliance, the principal shall annually complete and submit the standard USOE certification form applicable to the
principal’s school. (“Elementary School Certification of Compliance” or “Secondary School Certification of Compliance.”)
9.3 After the Superintendent and Board President have confirmed compliance, the Superintendent shall annually complete and submit the standard USOE certification form on behalf of the District. (“School District Certification of Compliance.”)

Last five dates revised and approved:

 06/24/20   02/10/21   02/09/22   02/08/23  03/13/24