1. Activities should be an integral part of the educational program and assist in promoting academic excellence. With this in mind, the following regulations have been established:
1.1 Principals will control scheduling of all activities including practices, etc. to insure that a minimum of school time is missed.
1.2 Decorating for school activities will be done outside of class time.
1.3 The activities surrounding homecoming which require out-of-class time will be confined to one day or equivalent thereof.
1.4 No school time will be used for measuring and payment of school rings.
1.5 There will be no initiations into any organization or club.
1.6 Unless your school team is involved in actual play, students will not be excused to attend playoffs or State championship games. For example: If your team lost and was eliminated from competition, the team members and other students are not to be excused to see the championship game. In cases where parents request to have their student excused for these activities, it will be counted as an absence. The parent must contact the school in person in advance to arrange for this type of absence.
1.7 Students will be excused to attend or participate in only those activities involving their own school and in keeping with proper procedures established by the school.
1.8 In order to participate in extra-curricular activities including games, meets, matches, competitions, performances or events students must attend all required classes on the day of the event.
Approved 10/05/89
Revised 01/15/20