Student Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities 3050A
1. Extracurricular Activities
1.1. There is no constitutional right to participate in extracurricular activities and student government, and this policy does not create such a right.
1.2. Students who participate in student government and extracurricular activities become role models for others in the school and community and District approved academic clubs, or CTE student organizations. These individuals often play major roles in establishing standards of acceptable behavior in the school and community and establishing and maintaining the reputation of the school and the level of community confidence and support afforded the school. It is of the utmost importance that those involved in student government, whether as officers or advisors, and those involved in competitive athletics and other extracurricular activities, whether students or staff, comply with all applicable laws and standards of behavior and conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting their positions and responsibilities. By choosing to participate in student government, competitive athletics, or other extracurricular activities, students voluntarily subject themselves to a degree of regulation even higher than that imposed on students generally, and have reason to expect intrusions upon normal rights and privileges.
Utah Code §53G-8-209 (2019)
1.3. This policy is based on the principles of “Culturize”, restorative practices, and no suspension without intervention.
2. Participation Eligibility
2.1. In order to participate in activities sponsored by the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA), a student must meet eligibility requirements with regards to attendance, behavior, residency, scholastic performance, and other applicable criteria. Sevier School District accepts and supports the constitution, bylaws, regulations, guidelines, and standards established by UHSAA in relation to eligibility for participation. School principals, athletic directors, coaches/advisors, parents, teachers, and all other employees of the schools share in the responsibility of ensuring that students meet the expected standards for participation.
2.2. Each school, with approval of the principal, may also establish eligibility requirements for participation in activities not sponsored by UHSAA. The cheerleading and student council programs at each school are governed by each school's student constitution and bylaws and not by UHSAA. Eligibility expectations for those programs must be clearly outlined for students and their parents/legal guardians in a disclosure document and strictly follow District policy the same as sanctioned UHSAA sports.
2.3. Eligibility Requirements: In order for students to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities, in the Sevier School District, students must meet the minimum eligibility requirements established by the Utah High School Activities Association.
2.3.1. To be eligible to participate in UHSAA sanctioned activities, a student: Must meet all UHSSA scholastic rule requirements Cannot fail more than one subject in the preceding grading period (for purposes of this rule, a failure in a multi-period subject shall be counted as the number of failures equal to the number of periods in the class); and, Must have obtained a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 based on a 4.0 scale or its equivalent, in the preceding grading period. A student who has failed to meet the minimum requirements set forth shall be ineligible for participation in UHSAA activities throughout the next grading period, provided however, that deficiencies in the final grading period of the school year may be made up prior to the first term of the succeeding year by any method acceptable to the school district or the member private school. Deficiencies must be made up in the same subject area. Eligibility under this rule is determined when eligibility grades are posted. Eligibility for final grades will be determined in January and May. Eligibility grade checks will be determined in October and March. In no case may the posting date be more than five (5) school days following the last day of the grading period. Grade changes after the posting date cannot restore lost eligibility, except for a documented clerical error. These scholastic regulations are the minimum required for participation in Association activities. Nothing in this rule shall prevent local boards of education or governing boards of charter or private schools from establishing standards, related with grades, that exceed those of the UHSAA. Any such rule, however, is not binding on the Association. The scholastic regulations apply to students who are in the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades. The scholastic regulations do not apply to the first grading period of a ninth-grade student. However, scholastic regulations do apply to subsequent grading periods of any ninth-grade students at a high school, junior high, middle school or any other equivalent level of education who has established eligibility at a member high school as provided in the by-laws. Prior to participating in any UHSAA sponsored activities, each student and parent must complete the UHSAA tryout checklist form. The completed form must be signed and submitted to the coach or athletic director. The form will be provided to the student and parent by the school. The forms and processes are managed through “Register my Athlete” or a similar adopted high school activity platform. All students are required to have an annual physical prior to participating in all UHSAA sponsored athletic activities. Part of the registration includes parent/student unify academic eligibility for participation.
3. Prohibited Conduct
3.1. The following prohibited conduct may render a student ineligible for and/or unable to continue participation in District approved academic clubs or CTE student organizations, student government and/or extracurricular activities, if occurring while the student is in the classroom, on school property, or during school-sponsored activities, regardless of location or circumstances, or if the conduct occurs off of school property and not on a school-sponsored activity, but substantially disrupts or interferes with normal school operations or approved school activities:
3.1.1. Use of foul, abusive, or profane language while engaged in school-related activities.
3.1.2. Violation of the District Acceptable Use Policy.
3.1.3. Improper social media usage. “Social media” is defined as any form of online publication or presence that allows interactive communication. This includes but is not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, Instagram, online chat rooms, blogs, or other internet websites/forums. Improper social media use constitutes anything that may substantially disrupt or interfere with the mission of Sevier School District or their schools, or anything that is contrary to the known or posted goals of such. Examples of inappropriate social media use include, but are not limited to: Cyberbullying and harassment in all forms; Posting/tweeting lewd or sexually explicit content; Promoting illegal activities (alcohol, drugs, etc.); Posting/tweeting profane or discriminatory language/content; Posting/tweeting violent threats; or Re-posting/re-tweeting any or all of the above. In light of the primary goals of Sevier School District to encourage critical thinking and communication skills, this social media policy should never be construed to prohibit individuals from respectfully expressing their political, religious, or social views on social media.
3.1.4. Any behavior that materially disrupts classwork, creates substantial disorder in school or school activities, or materially invades the rights of others
3.1.5. Violation of school student behavior requirements as set forth in school student handbook or policies;
3.1.6. Violation of District or school sexual harassment policies;
3.1.7. Violation of District or school bullying policies;
3.1.8. Safe school violations;
3.1.9. Illicit use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances or drug paraphernalia, and the use, possession, or distribution of an electronic cigarette as defined in Utah Code 76-10-101, tobacco, vaping or alcoholic beverages contrary to law; or
3.1.10. Hazing, demeaning, or assaultive behavior, whether consensual or not, including behavior involving physical violence, restraint, improper touching, or inappropriate exposure of body parts not normally exposed in public settings, forced ingestion of any substance, or any act that would constitute a crime against a person or public order under Utah law; or
Utah Code Ann. § 53G-8-209 (2018)
3.1.11. Acts of expression that are sexually explicit, defamatory, threatening, harassing, or generally not appropriate in the presence of minors.
[1] Johnson v. Cache Cty. Sch. Dist., 323 F. Supp. 3d 1301 (D. Utah 2018)
2 Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist., 393 U.S. 503, 89 S. Ct. 733
4. Suspension from Extracurricular Activities
4.1. When prohibited conduct occurs, Sevier School District and its schools will follow the Utah High School Activities Association By-Laws as the maximum punishment allowed. At the conclusion of any possible offense coaches will work with Athletic Directors and school administrators to clarify the findings and facts of any incident. Each case shall be decided individually based on the severity of the offense. For offenses such as those found in 4.2.1 or other more severe offenses the discipline will follow using the steps beginning in section If a violation of Sevier School District’s “Safe Schools and Appropriate Conduct” policy occurs procedures under that policy will be followed for discipline. District expulsion hearing outcomes/findings supersedes all UHSAA suspension and disciplines.
4.2. UHSAA Policy
4.2.1. The UHSAA supports the U.S. Supreme Court rulings regarding education. First, to prepare students to be good citizens and second, to teach them to be self-reliant and self-sufficient. Activities of the UHSAA contribute to both of these goals. The use of alcohol, tobacco products, vape or other drugs in almost every instance deters the realization of these goals. Every effort shall be made at the local, region and state 2019-20 UHSAA HANDBOOK BY-LAWS 58 levels of participation to eradicate the promotion, use or abuse of alcohol, drugs and tobacco with regard to participation in high school sports and activities. Limitation for participation of students in Utah high school activities regarding the use of alcohol, tobacco products and other drugs during a sports season, as defined in the Utah Code are: First offense: Suspension from two consecutive games, meets, matches, competitions or performances at the same level of play (and any intervening levels as well). Concerning tournaments, each tournament day may be leveled in place of one game, meet, match, competition or performance. In activities that have fewer than 12 games, meets, matches, competitions or performances per year at the same level of play, suspension of one game, meet, match, competition or performance may be leveled in place of two as approved by the coach and school administration. Practice may be continued following a personal assessment of the student by a licensed substance abuse intervention class/course or treatment program and/or participation in a district, governing board of a charter or private school approved intervention program. Second offense: A six-week suspension from all games, meets, matches, competitions or performances. Student participation in an assessment by a licensed substance abuse intervention or treatment program with prescribed follow-up is required. Practice may continue only after the assessment has been completed and positive participation in the prescribed follow-up is occurring. Third offense: An eighteen-week suspension from all games, meets, matches, competitions, performances and practices. Reinstatement of eligibility at the end of the eighteen-week suspension is predicated upon successful completion of a formal assessment, intervention and treatment program. In all of the foregoing offenses, local school and/or district requirements which deal with discipline, suspension, corrective measures, parent/guardian involvement, rehabilitation and so forth, must be met.
4.3. Interps & Guidelines per UHSAA
4.3.1. Conditions of this policy include: The use of electronic cigarettes or vapor products are prohibited.
4.3.2. Implementation of Policy The offense sequence carries over year to year and sport/activity to sport/activity in a participant’s career. Violations must occur and be discovered during a sport/activity season i.e. violations during the summer or off season are not counted as an offense under this policy, but may have consequences under other student policies. Any penalties for violation follow the student to any school to which he/she transfers. Any violation beyond the third offense carries the same penalty as the third offense.
4.3.3. A suspension under this policy may be appealed according to the “Grievance Procedure” outlined in the Sevier School District policy.
5. Activity Participant Contracts
5.1. Each activity/sport will have a written contract for all participants and their parent/guardian to sign. This contract must be approved by School and District Administration and include in the language of the contract that Policy 3050 “Student Activities” will be followed. Activity Participant Contracts are effective after the first day of tryouts/participation in any given activity.
6. Students with Disabilities
6.1. Suspension of a student with disabilities whose disability significantly interferes with the student's ability to meet regular academic standards shall be based on the student's failure to meet the requirements of the student's Individual Education Plan, as determined by the Special Education Committee.
7. Out-of-School Practice
7.1. A student who has been suspended from extracurricular activity events shall also be suspended from out-of-school practice for extracurricular activities until suspension from participation has been lifted. When applicable, students may be allowed to continue practice following the conclusion of an appropriate intervention/course or treatment program relevant to their offense. As found in section
8. Reinstatement to Extracurricular Activities
8.1. At the end of any grade report period in which a student attains a course grade average for that period which meets the standards set by the Utah High School Activities Association or in each course taken, any suspension from participation in extracurricular activities and/or suspension from out-of-school practice for extracurricular activities shall be removed.
9. Practice and Performance
9.1. Schools shall comply with the rules and regulations of the Utah High School Activities Association in scheduling and conducting practices and performances of competitive play. Students must be in school on the day of the event.
10. Classes
10.1. Schools shall not schedule full-year physical education or athletic fitness and movement classes for specific school teams. In schools where in-season fitness and movement classes are scheduled, the classes shall not be used to violate the starting and stopping dates for practice and competitive play as prescribed by the UHSAA. High school competitive sports programs shall be supplementary to the high school curriculum.
Utah Admin. Rules R277-605-3 (December 8, 2016)
10.2. Athletic classes conducted for specific school teams shall not be scheduled throughout the regular school day. First and last period athletic assignments may not preclude a coach from teaching a full load of classes during the school day.
11. Off-Season Clinics
11.1. Required or voluntary participation in summer or other off-season sports clinics, workshops, and leagues may not be used as criteria for team membership or for the opportunity to try out for team membership. School personnel, activity leaders, coaches, advisory and other personnel shall not require students to attend out-of-school camps, clinics or workshops for which the personnel, activity leaders, coaches or advisory personnel receive remuneration from a source other than the school or district in which they are employed.
11.2. A summer workshop or clinic conducted by a school for any sport or activity shall be scheduled and held consistent with UHSAA bylaws and policies.
Utah Admin. R 277-605-4 (December 8, 2016)
12. Supervision
12.1. Coaches and other designated school leaders shall adequately supervise District players, participants, cheerleaders, bookkeepers, as is reasonable, appropriate, and customary for the age of the students and the particular activity. Coaches, assistants, and advisers shall not permit hazing, demeaning, or assaultive behavior (whether consensual or not), including behavior involving physical violence, restraint, improper touching, inappropriate exposure of body parts not normally exposed in public settings, forced ingestion of any substance, or any act which would constitute a crime against a person or public order under Utah law.
Utah Admin. R 277-605-3(1), (3) (December 8, 2016)
12.1.1. Example A coach or other designated school leader shall not participate in the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco (including electronic cigarettes), vape, controlled substances, or promiscuous sexual relationships while on school-sponsored activities.
Utah Admin. R 277-605-3(2) (December 8, 2016)
Utah Code §53G-8-209(2) (2018)
13. Definitions
13.1. Definitions of extracurricular activities shall be as follows:
13.1.1. Extracurricular activities are school-sponsored activities that are not directly related to instruction of the essential elements but that may have an indirect relation to some areas of the curriculum. They offer worthwhile and significant contributions to a student's personal, physical, and social development. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege and not a right, and students must meet specific requirements in order to participate. Activities may include, but are not limited to, performances, contests, demonstrations, displays, and club activities.
Approved: 01/15/20
Revised : 05/13/20