1.1 The Sevier School District Board of Education recognizes there are financial constraints in providing adequate funding for all the school related activities and projects for which parents and teachers may desire students to participate. School fund-raising projects have increasingly become an alternative to support and/or supplement many school organizations, activities and projects. The Board recognizes the time and energy expended by students and their advisors in the various fund-raising activities held to support school organizations and projects.
1.2 As a result of the increased amount of fund-raising activities by schools, concerns have been expressed by some businesses and patrons. The purpose of this policy revision is to address these concerns in a fair and equitable manner.
2.1 Students Not to be Pressured. In conducting fund-raising efforts, pressure will not be brought upon students to make them feel they "must" bring money or other items to school. Students should not be pressured into selling a required number of items or paying for the expected number if not sold.
2.2 Primary Emphasis should be on In-School Projects. The primary fund-raising emphasis for schools should be where items are sold at school during special events such as: annual Halloween Carnival (elementary), concerts and concessions at activities (middle & high schools) as well as dance tickets. When items are purchased to sell at such events, every effort should be made to support local businesses and not purchase outside of the county.
2.3 One Annual Contact To Residences. One annual contact will be made to each residence by an adult representing all the elementary and middle schools in the community for the purpose of soliciting financial support for special projects at these schools. Each principal will coordinate with their PTA, school council and/or booster club to ensure that only one fund-raising contact is made to residences on behalf of the school.
2.4 Door-to-Door Not Permitted. Door-to-door fund-raising by students is not permitted as a method to raise funds in Sevier School District.
2.5 Students Not To Be Released. Students are not to be released during school hours for fund-raising purposes.
2.6 Charitable fund-raisers are to be left to other community organizations. The schools are not to promote or be involved in charitable fund-raising for individuals or other organizations. This will be left to other organizations in the community. Each school may choose to participate in conjunction with the PTA in one local project per year (e.g., Sub-for-Santa, items for New Horizon Crisis Center, food bank, etc.) These projects must be cleared through the Superintendent.
2.7 Scholarships. Donations for scholarships are encouraged. Donations can be made direct to a high school for a specific scholarship or to the Sterling Scholar Program at the School District Office.
2.8 Individual Parent or Citizen Donations. If a parent or citizen desires to make an individual donation directly for the benefit of a program/school, the school principal is authorized to accept the donation in behalf of the School District for that particular school. If there are questions relative to the appropriateness of the donation for educational purposes, the principal should consult with the Superintendent.
2.9 School Partnerships Encouraged. Businesses are strongly encouraged to "adopt-a-school", a school activity and/or develop business partnerships with one or more schools.
2.10 One Annual Contact To Businesses. There will be one annual fund-raising and donated merchandise project to businesses allowed in the School District. This annual business contact is limited to high schools. The principal will coordinate with the school's PTA, school council and booster club to insure that only one yearly contact is made on behalf of the school. The contact will be within the stipulations, which follow:
2.10.1 Divide Up Entire County. In order to assure that each business is contacted only once during the year, the Superintendent, in cooperation with the high school principals, will divide the entire Sevier County area businesses in an equitable manner.
2.10.2 Adopt a School or Activity. By September 15th, each school will provide the Superintendent a list of the activities and/or projects, which business, industry or individuals may choose to help sponsor or "adopt".
2.10.3 Individual Schools to Decide Upon Reasonable Request. Each high school is to decide upon a reasonable request for: an annual donation amount as well as a donation for the yearbook During the annual fund raising drive, they should also determine if the business is willing to donate merchandise at any time during the year determine if a service is requested of students for the donation received
2.10.4 Use of Pledge System. A "pledge system" will be available so businesses can budget for the annual donated amount and then pay it over a period of time, if so desired.
2.10.5 Revenue to be Budgeted. Once the revenue is collected by each school, under the direction of the principal, the income is to be budgeted in an equitable manner to help meet the educational needs of the school and various school organizations.
2.10.6 Use of Funds. The funds raised (for school purposes) by any school organization or group must be used for a prior approved education purpose in accordance with School District policies and procedures. The funds must be deposited with the school's financial account and accounted for in accordance with the Utah State Board of Education's "Budgeting, accounting and auditing procedures."
2.10.7 Dates of Annual Fund-Raiser. The annual contact with businesses is to begin in September and be concluded by November 30th, with the only additional contact being allowed to follow-up for collection of pledges if necessary.
2.10.8 Yearbook. In order to save space and reduce expenses, it is suggested that the names of the businesses donating be listed in the yearbook without a picture or advertisement.
2.10.9 Anonymous Option. If a donor wishes to remain anonymous relative to donations, that wish will be honored.
Revised 10/12/95