Temp 41.49 Feels Like 37.58
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm


Graduation requirements shall be determined by the Board of Education in compliance with the State Board of Education rules and regulations for graduation. Detailed statements of curriculum requirements are available in Sevier School District policy #4110.


1.1 It is the philosophy of Sevier School District that personal educational planning is essential at the elementary and secondary level. This planning should involve students, parents/guardians, and educators. At the elementary level (K-6), this planning will take place in the form of a Student Education Plan (SEP). At the secondary level (7-12), this planning will take place in the form of a Student Education and Occupation Plan (SEOP) or a College and Career Readiness plan (CCR). This planning will include reliable, useful, and timely data on student progress and goals, which will facilitate student planning and acceptance of responsibility for his/her own success. The SEP and SEOP/CCR is a process, which continues from grade to grade and school to school. Continual assessment of student progress and goals is the key to the SEP/SEOP/CCR process.


2.1 Any secondary school student who has completed all required courses as outlined in their SEOP or CCR may, with the approval of the student, the student's parent or guardian, local school official, and Superintendent or designee, graduate at any time following the conclusion of the eleventh grade.

Utah Code § 53E-4-403(2018)

2.2 A student who graduates from high school at the conclusion of the eleventh grade shall be eligible for a partial tuition scholarship from post secondary institutions to be used at a Utah public college, university, community college, area vocational center, or any other institution in the state of Utah, accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges that offers post secondary courses of the student's choice upon verification that the student has registered at the institution during the fiscal year following his graduation from high school.

Utah Code § 53F-2-501 (2016)


3.1 A high school diploma shall be granted to a student who has met the State Board of Education requirements and any additional requirements of the Sevier School District. Diplomas or unofficial transcripts may not be withheld from students for non-payment of school fees. In order to participate in high school graduation exercises, students must meet the standards established by the Sevier School District Board of Education in Policy #4110. Students who have earned a high school Diploma may participate in graduation exercises as long as they are in good standing with the school/district.


Revised 10/05/89

Revised 05/10/90

Revised 03/14/91

Revised 06/17/99

Revised 09/05/07

Revised 12/06/17