Temp 58.46 Feels Like 55.74
Sunrise 7:45 am
Sunset 6:40 pm


These procedures are derived from guidelines promulgated by the Center for Disease Control, Utah Department of Health, and National Association of School Nurses.

Head lice and bed bugs are a common problem among school-age children, and children often come in close contact with each other daily at school. Consequently, the potential for the transmission of head lice and bed bugs exists. Head lice and bed bugs do not cause disease and are, therefore, not a reportable communicable disease. Rather, head lice and bed bugs can be seen as a nuisance and inconvenience.


A. Education
While head lice do not originate in schools and schools cannot prevent the spread of head lice, schools can be helpful to the community in controlling the spread of head lice through education in the following areas:
1. Preventing the transmission of head lice

2. Intervention and notification

3. Treatment information for home

B. Preventing the Transmission of Head Lice

1. Sevier School District Nurse Services shall provide an educational flyer addressing prevention, transmission, detection, and the need for treatment of head lice for distribution through the schools, as needed.

2. Sevier District school nurses provide training for parents/guardians and school personnel upon request.

3. School administrators are encouraged to collaborate with school nurses and other community organizations in the distribution of information about head lice prevention and treatment.

C. Intervention and Notification

School personnel are authorized to screen individual students for head lice if symptomatic, but screenings are not to disrupt instructional time. When the presence of head lice is confirmed on a student, administrators and school nurses shall take appropriate action, which includes, but is not limited to, the following procedures:

1. If nits (lice eggs) are found (but no head lice):
a. The student may remain in the classroom.
b. Provide the parents/guardians with current information about the treatment of head lice.
c. Send the student home after school for treatment.

2. If head lice is found in the hair:
a. Discretely remove the student from the classroom and call the parents/guardians.
b. Provide the parents/guardians with current information about the treatment of head lice.
c. Send the student home with the parents/guardians for treatment.
d. If there are multiple students with head lice in one classroom, administrators shall send home the “Lice in the Classroom” letter with the other students in the classes of the students with the head lice.

3. If students are sent home for treatment either during or after school, the student should return to school the following day after treatment.
a. Parents/guardians are asked to report the treatment procedures used and school personnel may screen students upon return.
b. Students who do not return the next school day should be contacted to determine the cause of the absence.
c. Excessive absences due to difficult or recurrent cases of head lice, or other special circumstances, shall be referred to the school nurse.

D. Treatment Information for Home

Information provided to parents/guardians shall include four basic components of treatment:

1. Kill the head lice: Recognized treatments (both pediculicide and non- toxic) kill head lice, but treatments may need to be repeated to be effective. All members of the same household with head lice should be treated at the same time.
2. Remove the nits: This essential step helps prevent self-re-infestation.

3. Clean and treat the environment: Personal clothing, bedding, car seats, etc. should be washed and treated, if necessary, to prevent self- reinfestation.

4. On-going inspections: All family members should be inspected daily for two weeks for possible re-infestation. Families may contact a physician for recurrent cases.


A. Preventing Transmission

School nurses, with the help of administration, shall provide educational information (Administrative Bed Bug Protocol) to parents/guardians and school personnel regarding bed bugs, upon request or as needed.

B. Managing Bed Bugs

1. Employees shall report a child suspected of being infested with bed bugs to administration immediately.

2. If bed bugs are visible on a child or the child’s belongings, administrators shall discretely remove the student and the student’s belongings from class and attempt to collect a specimen. Belongings may be retained in a plastic bag until the end of the school day.

3. If students are found with bed bugs, their parents/guardians shall be notified and administrators shall send bed bug educational materials home. Students and the classroom environment shall be monitored closely thereafter.

4. If bed bugs are visible in the classroom, administrators shall collect a specimen and call Sevier School District for a room inspection and possible pest management treatment. For an active classroom bed bug infestation, parents of all students in the class shall be notified and receive educational materials at the discretion of administration.

5. Students with bed bugs shall not be excluded from class.

Approved:    05/02/91
Revised:      03/21/12
Revised:      09/19/12

Revised: 01/10/24