1. The Sevier School District Board of Education authorizes and encourages the use of buses whenever and wherever students need to be transported.
2. The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to approve applications for use of school buses within the boundaries of the State of Utah. All non-league contest and field trips which require travel over 150 miles must receive prior approval from the Board of Education or its designee.
2.1 Application must be made at least 48 hours in advance of the time the bus is to be used. Rental fees shall be fixed by the Board of Education.
2.2 Only persons specifically authorized by the Superintendent and/or principal may ride buses on activity trips.
2.3 It is the duty of the principal to provide and assign appropriate adult supervisors to each bus when transporting students to any activity. Appropriate supervision is defined as one adult per 35 students. Drivers are not required to operate a vehicle on any activity trip without appropriate supervisory help aboard.
2.4 The driver is responsible for the safe operation of the vehicle; the supervisor is responsible for controlling passenger behavior so the driver is not distracted.
2.5 Students riding a bus to any activity must return on that same bus. The only exception is if the student's own parent removes the child from the bus. The parent must contact the supervisor to do so.
2.6 Students participating in school sponsored activities must ride on transportation approved by the school. In the case of students who do not return to the bus within half an hour of the scheduled departure time, the supervisor will contact a parent or school official for instructions.
2.7 The supervisors riding the bus will be in direct charge and responsible for actions of students, stops made, and all other activities in connection with the trip. The bus is expected to be as clean at the end of the trip as it was at the beginning.
2.8 The district will provide all costs of transportation as directed by principals within their allocated budget for activities and field trips. Exceptions may be made for special trips approved by the Board of Education.
2.9 Non school connected groups may rent buses by following the application procedure. The School District will arrange for certified drivers for all such excursions.
2.10 The success of activity and field trips depends on cooperation of principals, supervisors, drivers, and students.
2.11 Students who behave in a way contrary to school or district rules, or who place other students in jeopardy, may be refused the privilege of riding in a school bus or other form of district transportation.
3. Load and unload bus only using the front entrance except under emergency conditions. (Reference per 106.03 Standards for Utah School Buses and Operations. 1994 Edition)
Revised 10/05/89
Revised 01/07/97
Revised 11/12/98