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The Board of Education recognizes a student’s participation in a field trip, activity trip, conference, competition, workshop, exhibit, etc., may provide a meaningful educational experience. This policy provides guidelines governing out-of-state travel.
Travel requests for field trips and activity trips must certify that students will be involved in verified and documented educational experiences based on objectives that cannot be met within the State of Utah. Out of State is allowed for students in grades 9 – 12 only. Preliminary approval from the Board must be received before making plans, introducing ideas to students, or making financial commitments. For the purposes of this policy, Mesquite, NV, Fredonia, AZ and Grand Junction, CO shall be considered in-state travel. (See Section 5 of this policy for additional required insurance coverage for travel to the three out of state cities listed above).
3.1 Travel requests such as the following will not be approved:
3.1.1 Travel, trips, excursions, appearances, cruises, etc., which are sponsored by commercial interests for profit. “Such travel, while often popular with students and patrons, represents a serious misuse and manipulation of schools and students.”
3.1.2 “Reward trips” where performance is a secondary consideration and used only as an excuse to take the trip.
3.1.3 State, National, and International activities promoted by commercial enterprises for profit.
4.1 Approved activities are those activities approved by school administration. They are limited to activities sponsored by the school such as school clubs, classes, teams, and other student groups with an approved faculty advisor.
4.1.1 School teams, classes, student groups, or organizations are limited to a maximum of one (1) out of state trip per school year.
4.1.2 Each high school is limited to a maximum of three out-of-state trips during any give fiscal year. Career and Technical student out-of-state travel as per policy 3161 does not count towards the maximum of three trips.
4.1.3 Out-of-State travel may only be within the fifty United States.
5.1 The principal, Superintendent, and Board shall follow these guidelines when considering approval for student overnight travel plans:
5.2 General Guidelines
5.2.1 The educational objectives of the trip. Seventy percent (70%) of the entire trip or five (5) hours per day must be of an educational nature or consist of events directly related to the purpose of the trip.
5.2.2 The event is sponsored by a non-profit organization
5.2.3 The maximum cost per student for a trip is One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200). A percentage of the total student cost may be earned through fundraising efforts. Earnings from fundraising must be listed and are included in the maximum cost per student.
5.2.4 Fund raising for any out-of-state travel must fall within the guidelines of the Sevier School District Fund-Raising Policy #3055.
5.2.5 The number of school days a student may miss is three (3) school days maximum.
5.2.6 Equivalent activities closer to the school and less expensive have been explored.
5.2.7 Safety issues have been addressed.
5.2.8 Adequate insurance coverage as provided through Moreton Insurance (associated with Risk Management) or other comparable coverage, has been obtained to cover travel and activities.
5.2.9 Participation in the travel activity is optional for students and not a requirement.
5.2.10 Approval of travel for a team or organization shall require a confidential vote of parents/guardians of involved students administered by the school principal. Parents/guardians shall be informed of the proposed travel itinerary, anticipated cost per student, and fundraising efforts. There shall be one parent vote per student; Non-voting parents shall count as a “no” vote; Requires eighty-percent (80%) approval; and To ensure that parents can vote on the issue without pressure from students or other persons, the vote may be conducted using a secret ballot, on-line survey, or other reasonable method determined by the school principal.
5.2.11 The parent/guardian of each student participant will submit a signed permission form to the teacher/advisor prior to all travel events and fundraising activities indicating permission to participate.
5.3 Activity Disclosure Statements
5.3.1 An activity disclosure statement, in accordance with Utah Code Ann., Section 53G-4-409, must be given to students and parents/legal guardians, before teams or groups in grades ninth through twelfth are selected.
5.4 Preliminary Student/Personnel Educational Travel Application
5.4.1 A Preliminary Student/Personnel Educational Travel Application must be completed, signed by the advisor/teacher, approved by the principal, and submitted to the Superintendent or his/her designee at least sixty (60) days prior to the proposed trip’s departure date. The Application shall include: The name of the team or organization; The proposed destination, mode(s) of travel, and number of students involved; The number of school days missed; The estimated total and per student cost of the trip and mode of payment, including fundraising; The educational justification for the trip; Date of parent meeting, review of safety considerations, and; A list of advisors and adult supervisors (including the ratio of supervisors to students).
5.5 Supervision
5.5.1 Supervisors not currently employed by the District must pass a background check as per policy #2005.
5.5.2 Supervision of students participating in overnight travel must be provided at a ratio of one (1) responsible adult per every ten (10) students.
5.5.3 Supervisors shall be primarily advisors/teachers and parents/legal guardians.
5.5.4 Supervisors must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age.
5.5.5 Students must have supervisors of the same gender.
5.5.6 Supervisors are considered to be on duty during the entirety of the trip regardless of location, time of day or night, or number of other supervisors present or said to be supervising. Supervisors traveling with students are never considered off duty and must therefore abide by applicable District policies at all times, including but not limited to Sevier School District Policy #2003 – Alcohol and Drug-Free Workplace.
Commercial carriers must provide transportation for all out-of-state travel where feasible. Unless specifically authorized in writing by the State of Utah Risk Management, District school buses shall not be used for out-of-state travel. As advised by Utah Division of Risk Management, the Division of Fleet Operations ( must be used for ground and air travel where feasible. On occasions when small groups of 1 – 15 individuals are traveling rental vehicles may by contracted through the above website or personal vehicles may be used if all requirements are met. Insurance from the rental company is required. Upon arrival at a destination by air travel, appropriate ground transportation may be utilized in accordance with this policy. Arrangements for ground transportation must be made prior to travel departure.
Approved 12/10/14
Revised 06/16/16
Revised 09/13/17
Travel Forms:
click link for Disclosure Statement
click link for Permission Slip
click link for Educational Travel Checklist
Student Out of State Travel Application Form