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Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

2024-2025 - South Sevier Middle         Upcoming School Plan Proposal

Goal #1

Assure learning and academic achievement to show a minimum of 5% increase in the number of students achieving proficiency on end-of-year testing from Spring 2024 to Spring 2025

Academic Area

  • College and Career Readiness (secondary schools only)
  • English/Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Reading
  • Science
  • Social Studies


1. RISE benchmark, interim, and summative assessments.

2. Number of students with passing grades/demonstration of mastery of essential skills at the end of each grading period.

Action Plan Steps and Expenditures

  1. TWO student advocate positions to work with students in the general education classrooms: tested subject areas with priority. ($38,000)
  2. Purchase online learning programs to provide individualized practice and support in tested subject areas ($2,000)
  3. Cover costs for academic field trips by grade level and/or specialty content area: teachers submit a proposal explaining the purpose of the trip and connection to curriculum standards/benefit to student learning due to participation  ($6,000)
  4. Purchase materials/Provide experiences that aid the school PBIS social-emotional health initiatives and education ($2,500).  *Continual efforts to support student/teacher social-emptional health result in improved student behavior, attitudes, effort, and overall well-being.  When these needs are addressed, the abilities to learn and retain are more achievable.
  5. Provide professional development opportunities for teachers in the areas of grading, assessment, and other best practices of instruction. ($2,000)
  6. Replace/Repair technology-related devices and other needs for student use in the classroom. ($2,000)




Estimated Cost

Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)

Assist students in tested subject areas showing the greatest level of need


Software < $5,000

Student licences for online learning platforms to support instruction being provided in the general classroom setting


Admission, transportation to and from school. Transportation for school related activities provided by LEAs, public carriers, parents, students

Grade level teams and/or content teams will submit a proposal explaining the purpose of the trip and the connections to curriculum standards/benefits to student learning due to participation.


Expendable items that are consumed, wornout or lose identity through use (paper, science and art supplies), food for a cooking class, a field trip, or a parent night (consistent with LEA policy)

Promote improved social-emotional attitudes and lifestyle choices through school activities, assemblies, and other items for students.


Professional development requiring an overnight stay (travel, meals, hotel, registration, per-diem)

Focus on the areas of grading, assessment, and other best practices of instruction.


Technology related supplies < $5,000 each - devices, computers, E-readers, flash drives, cables, monitor stands

Replace/Repair current technology-related devices and other needs for student use in the classroom.





Summary of Estimated Expenditures


Estimated Cost

(entered by the school)

Professional development requiring an overnight stay (travel, meals, hotel, registration, per-diem)


Software < $5,000


Technology related supplies < $5,000 each - devices, computers, E-readers, flash drives, cables, monitor stands


Expendable items that are consumed, wornout or lose identity through use (paper, science and art supplies), food for a cooking class, a field trip, or a parent night (consistent with LEA policy)


Admission, transportation to and from school. Transportation for school related activities provided by LEAs, public carriers, parents, students


Salaries and Benefits (teachers, aides, specialists, productivity, substitutes)




Funding Estimates




Carry-over from 2022-2023



Distribution for 2023-2024



Total Available Funds for 2023-2024



Estimated Funds to be Spent in 2023-2024



Estimated Carry-over from 2023-2024



Estimated Distribution for 2024-2025



Total Available Funds for 2024-2025



Summary of Estimated Expenditures for 2024-2025



Estimated Carry-over to 2025-2026
