School Plan 2023-2024 - South Sevier MD
Goal #1
Assure learning and academic achievement to show a minimum of 5% increase in the number of students achieving proficiency on end of year testing from Spring 2023 to Spring 2024.
Academic Areas
Social Studies
1. RISE benchmark, interim, and summative assessments
2. Number of students with passing grades/demonstration of mastery of essential skills at the end of each grading period
Action Plan Steps
1. THREE TWO 5-hour per day paraprofessionals to assist students in tested subject areas showing the greatest level of need (based on end of year test scores)
2. ONE 5.5 hour per day paraprofessional to assist students in tested subject areas showing the greatest level of need (based on end of year test scores)
3. Cover costs for at least one academic field trip per grade level (teachers submit proposal explaining purpose of trip and connection to curriculum standards/benefit to student learning due to participation, maximum $1,000 $2,000 per grade level)
4. Provide teacher development in the areas of grading, assessment, and other best practices of instruction
5. Purchase materials/Provide experiences that aid the school PBIS social-emotional health initiatives and education
*Continual efforts to support student/teacher social-emotional health result in improved student behavior, attitudes, effort, and overall well-being. When these needs are addressed, the ability to learn and retain is more achievable.
6. Replace/Repair current technology devices and materials as needed for student use in the classroom
Planned Expenditures Enter the following for each expenditure in the goal.
Digital Citizenship/Safety Principles Component
Does this academic goal include a component to implement digital citizenship or safety principles?
Yes No
Estimated Carry-over (as needed if the carry-over is >10%)
Official notice has been given by the district that for the 2023-2024 school year, 1 full FTE (or one full-time teacher) must be cut. The possibility of a cut for the 23-24 school year has been on the administration's radar for the last few school years. An intentional amount greater than 10% of the total budget has been saved as roll-over as part of a 2-year plan to have enough funding in place to maintain/supplement staffing (certified/classified) regardless of necessary cuts. Previous/Current plans have included two paraprofessionals. While it is not possible to cover the cost of the FTE being cut, the council has agreed that adding two additional paraprofessionals will help provide support to teachers and students in general education classrooms to help maintain learning and progress for all. At the end of the 23-24 school year, the excess roll-over amount will have been spent.
Funding Changes
If expenditures in a plan are provided through a different funding source, making funds available to implement the goals in this plan, how will the funds be used differently to implement this plan?
If extra funds are available or added, efforts to improve our reading intervention programming would be of top priority. Curriculum, programs, and other materials would be deeply researched to identify the most proven and effective options. Identifying educational opportunities for students in the world of STEM would be the next priority. Although a small portion of the budget is already being dedicated to that of social-emotional well-being, further materials and experiences for students concerning this element of their education would be considered.
The proposed budget will be posted on the school website, shared as part of the annual back to school information in August 2023, and available in the main office in the format of a paper flyer upon request.
Formal community council meeting held on 3/15/2023
Electronic plan review and approval sent to council members on 4/4/2023
Please indicate the voting results to approve this school plan. (to be updated after receiving approval/disapproval from council members)
Number that approved: 7
Number that did not approve: 0