Temp 40.96 Feels Like 37.62
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

South Sevier Middle School

Trustlands School Plan 2018-2019


Total monies granted to South Sevier Middle School $43,067

Roll-over Funds from 2017-2018  $  4,132

Total Budget $47,199




Interventions Instructional Assistant

5.5 hours per day


Instructional Assistant

5.0 hours per day


Maintain Staffing

7.44% of one teacher


Student Support Offerings

Library extension, credit recovery program


Character Education Program

Incentives for all students


Educational Field Trips

Minimum one trip per grade level


i-Ready Licenses   Flex Pay 

Reading and Math

$3,500    ($3,000 budgeted, $500 from roll-over)

Teacher Professional Development

@ URSA Conference

July 2018


Redcat Audio Systems

2 systems

$2,202  ($2,602 budgeted)

Handheld GPS Systems

12 systems

$966  ($971 budgeted)


Goals Total $43,895

    Estimated Remaining to  Roll-Over for 2019-2020 $  3,304


Total $47,199


Requested Amendments

Goal #3: Due to final budgets and other factors, this goal is still being used for staffing maintenance but South Sevier Middle School is requesting the amount be adjusted to $4,938 with a difference of $638 compared to the original request.  Lacking funds to meet this amount are explained in the next request.


Goal #7: No longer needed due to district funding covering the cost of i-Ready licenses.  With the implementation of the school’s new Literacy/Numeracy Flex Program, South Sevier Middle School is requesting the amount of $3,000 be used as pay for language arts and math teacher prep work and curriculum development for the program.  Each teacher (6 included) would be allowed $500.  Additional compensation would come from other budget options.  The remaining amount of $500 is requested to be applied to the increase of goal #3.


Goal #8: Due to additional conference opportunities during Summer 2018, only one teacher attended the URSA Conference.  It is requested by South Sevier Middle School that the remaining funds of approximately $800 be used for first to cover the lacking amount of $138 for goal #3 and then professional development opportunities for teachers that may arise throughout the school year.