43.97 Feels Like 40.96
Sunrise 6:49 am
Sunset 8:06 pm

SSMS Trustlands Plan

Goal 1
Assure learning and academic achievement for all students with 55% of students at South Sevier Middle School reaching grade-level proficiency as measured by the RISE test in math, language arts, and science.

Action Plan
Implement the following to faculty/staff numbers
1. Maintain a 5 hour per day instructional assistant with assignment priority in math and science classes
2. Maintain a 5.5 hour per day instruction assistant with assignment priority in math and science classes
3. Maintain current certified teaching staff by covering 7.44% of our least expensive teacher to aid in reduction of class sizes in all content areas
4. Pay a stipend to a certified teacher to host a 2 week credit recovery program within the first 2 weeks of summer for students who failed a core class during the school year (priority going to 8th grade students)
**5. Hire teachers to teach through their prep period (either part or whole year) to aid in providing greater option and smaller class sizes during elective class periods

Salaries/ Employee Benefits
5.0 hour instructional assistant $11,412 5.5 hour instructional assistant $14,652 Maintain certified staffing $2,000 Credit recovery program $750 Teacher extensions $12,725

Replacement Goal for #5 of action plan
Hire a 5 hour per day instructional assistant with assignment priority in math and science classes. Doing so will result in the possibility of one instructional assistant per grade level to help support teacher instruction and student learning.

Reasoning for replacement
Due to teacher endorsements and scheduling requirements, it was not possible to add an elective class during teacher prep periods that would provide students with new opportunities. Efforts were made within the master schedule to add a yoga class, genius hour maker lab, and 7th/8th arts and crafts helping add some new variety to course offerings. These courses are within regular contract teaching times so cost no additional funds.

Goal 2
Offer continued character education through the school wide program 'me2we' to all students and teachers of SSMS promoting the ideas of kindness, acceptance, and tolerance of others through monthly themes, activities, guest presenters, and small incentives with the aim of increasing levels of student engagement, personal pride and grit, and ability to work with others in academic and social settings. Each of these attitudes and habits make a lasting impact on student performance in the classroom and on standardized testing. Continued focus on the development of performance and ethical values and behaviors support the goal of assuring learning and academic achievement for all students at South Sevier Middle School with 55% of students reaching grade-level proficiency as measured by end of year standardized testing in math, language arts, and science.

Action Plan
1. Continue offering a character education elective class for students grades 6-8 to serve as the acting me2we crew for the quarter.
2. Crew will work together to plan themes, activities, and incentive ideas focused on performance and ethical values for the school as a whole to participate in.
3. Community council will research and seek out appropriate guest presenters to speak to the student body throughout the school year.
4. Regular reminders and practice in the classroom of implementing performance and ethical values in relation to work ethic and effort aiding in higher academic performance.

**We aim to ensure every student in the school is enrolled in the class one quarter of their middle school career.**

General Supplies
Funding to help hire guest presenters to speak to students and small morale/unifying incentives to be given to students throughout the year.

 Goal 3
Assure learning and academic achievement for all students with 55% of students at South Sevier Middle School reaching grade-level proficiency as measured by the RISE test in math, language arts, and science through participating in educational field trips that allow connections to be made between classroom instruction of all content areas and real world settings and experiences.

Action Plan
1. Grade level teams will submit field trip proposals to be approved by administration including a very specific explanation of the educational connections and gains that would come to students through their participation.
2. Itemized budget lists will be provided including possible entry fees and bus costs.
3. Provide parents with an explanation of the academic gains for students who participate in the opportunity.
4. Monitor performance and demonstration of mastery with the specific curriculum standards connected to the objectives of the field trips.

**Each grade level is ensured at least one educational field trip opportunity during the school year**

Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses
Travel expenses and/or admission for 3 to 5 educational field trips for the school.

 Goal 4
Assure learning and academic achievement for all students with 55% of students at South Sevier Middle School reaching grade-level proficiency as measured by the RISE test in math, language arts, and science through focused intervention efforts and instruction in the areas of literacy and numeracy.

Action Plan
1. Teachers will identify essential literacy and numeracy skills per grade level
2. Students will receive initial best shot classroom instruction including a common formative assessment with the aim of 65% of students able to demonstrate mastery
3. During flex period sessions, students will receive focused intervention instruction based on level of essential skill mastery demonstration (instruction may range from beginning re-teach through extension/stretch projects and tasks
4. After intervention instructional sessions, students will again complete a common formative assessment for teacher to determine increase of students achieving mastery of the essential skill with the aim of 85% of students able to demonstrate mastery

**Throughout the process, math and language arts teachers will research, prepare, and organize multi-tiered instruction and activities to be used in flex period sessions.

Salaries and Employee Benefits
**Pay math and language arts teachers $700 each for beyond regular contract time for time spent in flex period data collection and analysis, materials prep, etc. (3 language teachers, 3 math teachers)


Replacement Goal
Current action plan will remain through flex intervention program but…
Send 4 teachers and principal to the Solution Tree “PLC at Work Institute” to help strengthen understanding, skills, and overall implementation of the true PLC process in conjunction with the current flex intervention program (including all steps of the above listed action plan). Amount includes conference registration, hotel, and food/travel costs.

Reasoning for Replacement
The principal attended the same conference in June where pertinent information and instruction was provided to strengthen the school’s current intervention program. Changes were made as to how the program would be run this year removing the need for beyond contract time to be required of language arts and math teachers as noted above. Funds would be wisely spent in providing the same training received by the principal to teachers of all content areas to help aid in their understanding of the PLC process as it connects to student mastery of essential skills and strengthening instructional processes.


Overall Figures
Estimated Carry-over from the 2018-2019 Progress Report
Estimated Distribution in 2019-2020
Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2019-2020
Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2019-2020
$48,739Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2020-2021