September 21, 2023
South Sevier Middle School
Welcome to the new SSMS Community Council Members!
Aarika Viula, chair
Marti Anderson, vice chair
Melissa Smith
Kecia Christensen
Kelly Cefalia
Payton Ashby, SSMS teacher
PaulMcCormick, school counselor
Michelle Nielson, principal
next council meeting: October 26, 2023 at 3:15
October 26, 2023
Community Council Meeting
South Sevier Middle School
3:15, conference room
Parents: Aarika Viula, Marti Anderson, Melissa Smith, Kelly Cefalia, Kecia Christensen (joined via zoom)
School Representatives: Payton Ashby, Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson
The following slideshow was used to share agenda items
1. Community Council Training Video
2. What's Happening at SSMS
3. Trustlands Budget Plan Review (approved by 22-23 council in March 2023)
4. TSSA Budget Plan Review (approved by 22-23 council in March 2023)
5. Anticipated Meeting Dates
6. Questions/Concerns/Clarifications
Other Discussion
A question was asked to remind the council of the school safety measures to protect students throughout the school day.
Response included:
*Secure building: all exterior doors are locked all day, the only way in is through the main entryway after ringing a doorbell and being "buzzed" in
*Emergency Procedures: students are/will be trained to respond to hold, secure, lockdown, evacuate, and shelter emergency situations. At the time of the council meeting, students had participated in two evacuation drills. Training for hold, secure, and lockdown will begin in November.
A question was asked to further clarify where Trustland funding comes from.
Response included a verbal explanation and reference to the following informational video
next council meeting: January 25, 2024
January 25, 2024
Community Council Meeting
South Sevier Middle School
3:15, conference room
Parents: Aarika Viula, Marti Anderson, Kecia Christensen, Melissa Smith, Kelly Cefalia
School Representatives: Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson
Excused: Payton Ashby
The following slideshow was used to share agenda items
1. What's Happening at SSMS
2. Finding Support in School Student Survey
3. 22-23 RISE Performance Data
4. Budget Updates
5. Emergency Procedures Review (3 evacuation practice, 1 lockdown practice so far this school year), lockdown procedures explained in detail
Other Discussion
A question was asked about the school's cell phone procedures in comparison with the push coming from Governor Cox to restrict personal device time of students while in school.
Response: school procedure of using phone caddys was explained along with the cooperation and positive support of the expectation that comes from students and parents alike.
Positive feedback and compliments were given concerning the school's fl-EX-plore program. Very successful and engaging for students. Data to back up effectiveness. One council member shared how her child's experience in cosmetology explore class has ignited her passion and interest to pursue a career in this field.
Response: principal thanked council members for feedback and the trust and support shown to all that goes on in the school
next council meeting: March 14, 2024
March 14, 2024
Community Council Meeting
South Sevier Middle School
3:15, conference room
Parents: Aarika Viula, Kecia Christensen, Melissa Smith, Kelly Cefalia
School Representatives: Payton Ashby, Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson
Excused: Marti Anderson
The following slideshow was used to share agenda items
1. School Spotlight Nomination Video
2. What's Happening at SSMS
3. Amendment Request
4. 2024-2025 Budget Proposals Discussion (tentative unanimous support of proposal ideas)
5. School Climate Survey
Other Discussion
Talked in depth about climate survey questions- compliments were given in regards to the positive feeling evident from the moment you walk in the front doors, clean school and grounds, friendly faculty and staff, engaging activities for students, regular celebrations for effort and progress
One council member gave the suggestion of Chad Hymas as a guest presenter for an assembly next school year
next council meeting: Monday, April 1st to give final approval to 24-25 proposed budget
April 1, 2024
Community Council Meeting
South Sevier Middle School
Parents: Aarika Viula, Marti Anderson, Melissa Smith, Kelly Cefalia, Kecia Christensen (joined via zoom)
School Representatives: Payton Ashby, Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson
Final votes for 2024-2025 proposed budget taken
Approve: 8
Reject: 0
See approved proposals here: