Temp 65.48 Feels Like 63.93
Sunrise 6:25 am
Sunset 8:43 pm

SSMS Community Council

Meeting Agenda and Notes



Council Members present:  Libby Abraham, Aarika Viula, Amanda Lloyd, Renate Preiss-Anderson, Amy Moore, Janett Borg, Michelle Nielson

Also in attendance: Paul McCormick (school counselor)

Council Members absent: Becky Bastian, Erin Robb


Meeting Items:

Introduce council members

Chairman: Libby Abraham

Vice Chairman: Aarika Viula


Training Video

School Community Council Welcome 2020

(External Web Content)


What’s up in 2020

**We’re back in person!! And offering online learning for those who need it.


**3 new teachers: Tonya Williams (6th grade language arts), CJ Carter (8th grade language arts), Jason Talley (CCA/Digital Literacy)


**Red Ribbon Week: Be Happy, Be Brave, Be Drug Free!  Guest Presenter- Ryan Stream


**School Shirts: purchased for all students, staff and faculty


**Parent Teacher Conference: 10/30/20, in person or virtual if requested, sharing 1st quarter report cards, I Can reports (essential standards)


**Construction: moving along well, already using gym, locker room, two classrooms and maker space. Shop is ready minus ventilation system.  All other classrooms are planned to be move in ready in January.


20-21 Budget

Trustlands Snapshot 

TSSA Budget

(see Trustlands Plan 2020-2021 under the Community Council Plans Menu for full details)


Ideas for extra funding shared by members:

Update technology to be ready for new building and set up

After school clubs/hobby classes

Music Program needs

Other ideas are to be submitted by November 9th for consideration by the committee.



Community Council


3:15 p.m., SSMS Library


Those in attendance

Parent Members: Aarika Viula, Libby Abraham, Becky Bastian, Renate Anderson, Amanda Lloyd

School Members: Janett Borg, Amy Moore, Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson


Those not in attendance

Parent Members: all were in attendance

School Members: all were in attendance


Recent/Upcoming Happenings

*New Chromebooks

*Portable Planetarium (6th/7th grades)

*State Capitol Virtual Tour (8th grade)

*Kindness Week (February)

*Beat the Teach

*Talent Show

*Good Citizen’s Week (March)

*White Ribbon Week (April)

*Construction  (ask Chris for video)


Trustlands Budget Review


Original Expenditures

1. 5 hour per day instructional assistant $12,566

2. 5.5 hour per day instructional assistant $16,139

3. Maintain certified teaching staffing $11,600

4. Supplement USTAR funding $  4,987

5. 2-Week Credit Recovery Program $  1,000

6. Transportation for academic field trips $  2,000




New Expenditures

1. Calculators $      780

2. Red Ribbon Assembly $      600

3. Character Ed Program Materials $   2,000

4. Voice Enhancement Systems $   4,400 (4 systems??)


REMAINING $ 15,915

Because of funding shuffling, the district is now covering the amount expected to maintain staffing for the 20-21 school year.  A notice was given to school administration that staffing must be cut by .4 FTE for the 21-22 school year unless the school can find a way to fund the lacking amount.  It was proposed to the council that rather than determine ways to spend the money for staffing this school year, it would instead be rolled over to next year to help maintain the potential cut.  This decision was voted on unanimously by all council members.


TSSA Budget Review


Original Expenditures

1. 5 hour per day instructional assistant $12,000



New Expenditures

1. Teacher i-pads $  5,880

2. Apple Pencils $  1,780

3. Lanschool Program $  2,300




Next meeting

Wednesday, April 7th, 3:15 p.m.



Community Council


3:15 p.m., SSMS Library


Those in attendance

Parent Members: Aarika Viula, Libby Abraham, Becky Bastian, Renate Anderson, Amanda Lloyd

School Members: Janett Borg, Amy Moore, Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson

Those not in attendance

Parent Members: all were in attendance

School Members: all were in attendance


Recent/Upcoming Happenings

*White Ribbon Week

*Moving into new building

*RISE Testing

*Field Trip Approval

*Utah Climate Survey (administered week of April 19)


Proposed Trustlands Budget Review

Goal #1 

Assure learning and academic achievement for all with at least 55% of the student population at South Sevier Middle School reaching grade-level proficiency. 

Academic Areas 





Social Studies 


1. RISE benchmark, interim, and summative assessments 

2. Number of students with passing grades/demonstration of mastery of essential skills at the end of each grading period 

Action Plan Steps 

1. Maintain a 5 hour per day instructional assistant to assist students in all tested subject areas and provide afternoon interventions or supports

2. Maintain a 5.5 hour per day instructional assistant to assist students in all tested subject areas and provide afternoon interventions or supports

3. Maintain current certified teaching staff by covering 0.4 FTE of our least expensive teacher to aid in reduction of class sizes in all content areas

*The 20-21 plan included monies to cover 18.45% of the salary/benefits of one teacher.  This amount was able to be covered by the district but with the notice that in the 21-22 school year, a 0.4 FTE cut must be made. To save this cut in staffing, the $11,600 planned for the 20-21 plan will be rolled over to 21-22 for the purpose of maintaining staffing.

4. Cover costs for at least one academic field trip per grade level (teachers submit proposal explaining purpose of trip and connection to curriculum standards/benefit to student learning with participation, maximum $1,000 per grade level)

5. Purchase student licenses for the Lanschool deceive management tool to promote on-task academic behaviors and appropriate use of one-to-one devices

6. Provide teacher development in the areas of grading, assessment, and other best practices of instruction

7. Purchase materials/Provide experiences that aid the school PBIS social emotional health initiatives and education

*Continual efforts to support student/teacher social emotional health results in improved student behavior, attitudes, effort, and overall well-being.  When these needs are addressed, the ability to learn and retain is more achievable.

8. Replace/Repair current technology devices and materials as needed for student use in the classroom


Planned Expenditures 

Expenditure Category

Action Plan Item Number


People: Salaries/Benefits

Goal 1, item 1


People: Salaries/Benefits

Goal 1, item 2


People: Salaries/Benefits

Goal 1, item 3


Field Trips

Goal 1, item 4

$ 3,000

Technology: Software

Goal 1, item 5

$ 2,400

Professional Development

Goal 1, item 6



Goal 1, item 7

$ 2,000

Technology: Related Supplies

Goal 1, item 8

$ 1,000





Amount Awarded 21-22



Roll-Over 20-21



Total for 21-22



Planned Expenditures for 21-22



Total Rollover for 22-23




Digital Citizenship/Safety Principles Component

Does this academic goal include a component to implement digital citizenship or safety principles?

Yes    No


Estimated Carry-over (as needed if the carry-over is >10%)

Carry-over from the 2020-2021 year is greater than 10% in support of a 2-year plan to help maintain staffing.  In 2020-2021, district funds ended up being available to cover all certified staffing costs rather than requiring the anticipated Trustlands funds to cover the amount.  This amount is now being rolled over to the 2021-2022 school year to cover the guaranteed staffing cost shortage of approximately $25,000.

Funding Changes

If expenditures in a plan are provided through a different funding source, making funds available to implement the goals in this plan, how will the funds be used differently to implement this plan?

If extra funds are available or added, efforts to improve our reading interventions programming would be of top priority.  Curriculum, programs, and other materials would be deeply researched to identify the most proven and effective options.  Identifying educational opportunities for students in the world of STEM would be the next priority. Although a small portion of the budget is already being dedicated to that or social emotional well-being, further materials and experiences for students in regards to this element of their education would be considered.



The proposed budget will be posted on the school website, shared as part of the annual back to school information in August 2021, and available in the main office in the format of a paper flyer upon request.



Please indicate the voting results to approve this school plan.

Number that approved: 9

Number that did not approve: 0

Number absent: 0


New Building Tour

Phase One complete

Phase Two planned to be complete by August 2021

Official Open House for public to be held upon full project completion


No new meeting scheduled unless revisions to proposed budget are required by LEA or State.