Temp 66.49 Feels Like 65.05
Sunrise 6:25 am
Sunset 8:43 pm

South Sevier Middle School

Community Council Meeting


Council members in attendance:

Staff:  Principal Nielson, Mr. McCormick, Mrs. Meacham

Parents:  Renate Anderson, Denisa Taylor, Cindy Riddle

Council members not in attendance:

Staff:  Mr. Twitchell

Parents:  Jackie Patterson, Becky Bastian, Libby Abraham


School Happenings/Celebrations

Office referrals: Mrs. Nielson explained Positive Office Referral’s are SSMS’s way of catching and reinforcing students positive behaviors.  Students who receive referrals visit with the Principal concerning the behavior, rewarded with a post card that is mailed home to parents and a candy bar for the student to enjoy.

i-Ready diagnostic: Designed to address individual student’s needs and personal growth.           

People-Oriented Schools: Principal Nielson explained that one of the goals for South Sevier Middle School’s staff is to be a People-Oriented School.  It was reviewed what a People-Oriented School looks like and asked the committee members if they had any experiences positive or negative concerning SSMS staff and People - Oriented standards.

Goals of Community Council:  Principal Nielson gave each committee member a copy of the “Goals of Community Council” to review.

Job Descriptions

Chairman/Vice Chair Nominations

Principal Nielson asked for volunteers for Chairman/Vice Chair.  This decision was pushed to be addressed at our next Council Meeting

Training Videos

Committee viewed the Trust Lands training video.

Council membership form (emails)

Requested each committee members e-mail address.

Academic Plan

Flex interventions: New program starting in October designed to focus on individual student’s “Big Rock Skills” in reading, math and language.  Program will take place 30 minutes of each school day.

Working lunch: New program designed to help students who have non-mastery assignments  in core classes by giving them the opportunity to work on assignments with adults help.  (Students are referred by teachers)

Character Education Plan

Me2we program

Take a Stand Against Bullying week

Digital Citizenship Plan


Back to school night minute

admin/teachers w/tech endorsement

18-19 Trustland’s Budget

            Request for amendments

            Update on goal status

 Next meeting: November 28, 2018, 3:15-4:00



South Sevier Middle School
Community Council Meeting

Council Members in attendance:
School: Paul McCormick, Michelle Nielson, Bryce Twitchell
Parents: Libby Abraham, Becky Bastian, Cindy Riddle, Jackie Patterson, Rinatta

Council Members not in attendance:
School: Gina Meacham
Parents: Denisa

Chairman: Jackie Patterson
Vice Chairman: Libby Abraham
Parent/Licensed Employee: Becky Bastian

School Happenings/Celebrations
Birthday Selfies :)

Assembly-Braxton Nielson
Outstanding message for students! Thanks to Mike Willes at the district office for arranging the presenter.
Braggin’ for Brownies
6th grade-ALL students attended and/or parents were contacted via phone for conference
7th grade-12 students didn’t attend
8th grade- 11 students didn’t attend
School total: 93% attendance
Appointments are a good idea. Extra activities, etc. makes kids excited to go and makes it easier for parents to go, Extra credit would be a good idea.
Flex Program
Percent of students with mastery has increased by a minimum of 8% or more in all grade levels and on all big rock essential skills. One highlight is 6th grade math focusing on the skill of writing expressions-students demonstrating mastery went from 74% to 94.5%
Still working on how to best provide math and LA teachers with time for materials prep and data evaluation/collection
Feedback from parents- have your students come home with any opinions (good or bad?) What questions do you have? Generally positive from the parents’ perspective. Mr. Twitchell - getting feedback from students: what teacher they get for flex, etc.
Holiday Dance Program
Scheduled for Tuesday, December 18th at 6:00
Flex program on hold to accommodate dance practice

School Improvement Plan
Major Elements for Improvement
Literacy/Numeracy Flex Interventions Program
PLC process/purpose
Questions/Concerns from committee members?

Digital Citizenship
Social Studies Department tasked with developing a presentation concerning digital citizenship, will be presented upon return from Christmas break

Where does the responsibility of the school lie in educating students in the following:
Overuse of technology and effects on learning
Social Media
Show cause and effect (colleges and employers looking into social media accounts), Maybe bringing in someone who has used social media positively, or has been hurt by it. Teach resiliency along with not bullying. The word “bullying” is used too often. Look into the Cyber videos from the Boy Scouts. Talking about the dangers of it with the students. Using passwords and helping with “sneaking” to download things, or use screens. “White Ribbon Week” coming up.



South Sevier Middle School
Community Council Meeting Agenda (notes in blue)

Council Members in attendance:
School: Michelle Nielson, Bryce Twitchell, Paul McCormick
Parents: Libby Abraham, Renate Anderson, Cindy Riddle, Denisa Taylor, Jackie Patterson

Council Members not in attendance:
School: Gina Meacham
Parents: Becky Bastian

Meet the cute kids of SSMS :) slide show

School Happenings/Celebrations
3rd quarter mid-term: TODAY!

Kindness Week: Feb. 11-15
Social Media Challenges, pledge, assembly, mix-it up lunch, grade level activities

Stakeholder Survey: now-Feb. 22
Faculty/Staff: 100% complete
Students: 100% complete
Parents: 68% complete
Early bird raffle- Circus Tickets (drawn Feb. 1)
Final Raffle- Catapult Tickets (to be drawn Feb. 22)
Raffle prizes were a nice addition to show parents appreciation
All council members voiced having a very positive experience

Rude, Mean, Bullying Instruction: Power Groups
Great idea to address these terms, kids need reminders of the differences

Budget Ideas

18-19 year
Amount awarded $43,067
Carry-over from 17-18 $ 4,300
Total $47,367

19-20 year
Estimated amount awarded $46,943
Estimated carry-over from 18-19 $ 3,714
Total $50,657


New technology devices not necessarily needed
Use to add man power
New elective class offering ideas


South Sevier Middle School
Community Council Meeting

Council Members in attendance:
School: Michelle Nielson, Bryce Twitchell, Paul McCormick
Parents: Deinsa Taylor, Cindy Riddle, Renate Anderson

Council Members not in attendance:
School: Gina Meacham
Parents: Libby Abraham, Becky Bastian, Jackie Patterson

People-Oriented School
Where are we at? Have we come closer to achieving this goal?
SSMS is a very welcoming place, kids feel important and known

School Happenings/Celebrations
It’s the Final Countdown!
i-Ready Diagnostic: April 4-12
4th quarter mid-term: April 12
Lip Sync: April 12
RISE Assessment: April 22-May 17

2018-2019 Budget
Review current plan
All goals followed through on

2019-2020 Budget
Review proposal
Committee in full approval/agreement
Will be sent via email to members not present at meeting

How to seal the deal
Watch for an email coming from School Land Trust April 1-4, “sign” and submit


Thank you for serving on the Community Council! Stay tuned for next year...