52.16 Feels Like 48.81
Sunrise 6:39 am
Sunset 8:12 pm

Call to Order 3:17 pm

Attending: Selena Terry, Ryan Harris, Rochelle Crane, Mandy Larsen, Stephanie Anderson, Corryn Myers, Trampas Williams

  • Review and approval of minutes from 11/17/21 meeting

School Transformation Grant, Mental Health and PBIS Program

Announcement of the two new mental health coordinators who will be working at RHMS

Stephanie Bagley

Chelise Sawyer

Sevier School District has rolled out a total health and wellness training opportunity for salaried employees. 

  • Review current School Trust Land Plan and plan the 2022-23 School Trust Land Plan

#1 Goal–Improve student learning

Current data reveals we are 4-6% below state average in Language Arts, Math and Science. 

Mastery Connect testing platform 

iXL Math program

Extended Math and Science Classes

Tom Schimmer–standards based grading

Field Trip for 6th grade

#2 Goal–Support social studies, fine arts, elective classes

Festival expenses

Discussion of a possible strings classes being offered

  • TSSA Funding (funded through state legislature)

Guided by same goals as Trust Lands Plan

Funding Mrs. Martin (new math teacher)

$6,000 STW conference

$11,000 Instructional supplies, wellness room, PBIS prizes

Approximately $35,000 carry over to next year

  • Upcoming activities and next meeting discussed

Adjourned 3:50 pm