Call to Order: 3:22pm
Attending: Selena Terry, Ryan Harris, Rochelle Crane, Mandy Larsen, Corryn Myers, Stephanie Anderson, McKenzie Pollaehne, Trampas Williams, Mick Mullen
- Review and approval of minutes from 9/15/21 Meeting
- Update on Parent Organization
- Parent volunteer form was sent out at the beginning of the school year
- Suggestion of contacting those on the form to provide needs for different activities throughout the year.
- Look at needs for next year
- Discussed ways to get different student groups involved
- School Report
- Purpose is to help start discussion for trustlands budget
- School Demographics, highly qualified teachers, additional faculty and staff, assessment results (Math, Language Arts, Science) discussed
- School Improvement Plan Goals
- #1- Improve grade level proficiency in Math, Language Arts, and Science by 2% each year, and a growth percentile of 40%.
- Trustlands money spent for software (imagine learning), extensions, Instructional Assistants, Professional Development
- #2- Improvement in Social Studies, History, Fine Arts
- Percussion extension and possible other extensions discussed
- #1- Improve grade level proficiency in Math, Language Arts, and Science by 2% each year, and a growth percentile of 40%.
- Schools-to-Watch
- Designation and recognition discussed
- Question about how we got involved
- Helps guide our work at our school
- Trustlands Budget discussed
- Question about how to help those that are struggling to meet proficiency goals
- Question about school pictures and process of selecting vendor discussed
- Upcoming activities and next meeting time discussed
Adjourned: 4:03pm