Temp 66.49 Feels Like 64.9
Sunrise 6:25 am
Sunset 8:43 pm

Call to Order: 3:15pm

Attending:  Selena Terry, Ryan Harris, Corryn Myers, Stephanie Anderson, McKenzie Pollaehne

  • Introduction/Welcome
  • Introduction of new staff members
  • Moved and accepted new council member voting results
  • Motion and approval of minutes from 3/10/21 meeting
  • Watched video detailing responsibilities of Community Council 
  • Recommended timeline of Community Council Discussed
  • Elections
    • Corynn Myers-Chair
    • Trampas Williams-Co-Chair
  • Upcoming Activities discussed
  • Next meeting time discussed
  • Website discussion
    • Sevier School District, Red Hills page
  • PTO Chair needed
    • Discussion about possible candidates  
  • Visit the ROAR Room
  • Meeting adjourned 3:50pm