Temp 66.49 Feels Like 65.05
Sunrise 6:25 am
Sunset 8:43 pm

Call to Order: 3:15pm [approved 1-13-21]

Attending: Stefanie Anderson, Ashley DeMille, Lindsay Manning, Mick Mullen, McKenzie Pollaehne, Selena Terry, Jennie Thalman


  • PBIS 
    • ROAR “True Bobcats ROAR” approved by the faculty
      • Includes behavior expectations for students
    • Signs have been printed and hung
    • Faculty Expectations matrix is being developed
      • Ex-What does it mean to be a ROAR teacher?
      • Google Form survey of students results discussed
    • ROAR Cards
      • Prizes, ROAR chart in the hallway, school culture
  • New Mental Health Coordinator-Angela Taylor
    • Doing groups and teaching in the classroom
  • Approval of minutes from 9/16/20
  • Lunchroom and eating outside pros and cons
  • Makerspace group 
    • How is it going, and when is it happening
  • Bobcat Card Activity 
    • Grade level teams have modified the activity and chosen days
    • Required to stay on Campus
    • Requirements for a Bobcat Card 
    • Students pride in their achievements to obtain Bobcat Card
    • Mid-term grades went out today
    • Fun Academy coming soon and will continue to be separated by grade
      • Hunter Safety as a Fun Academy option was discussed
  • Updates on COVID-19 Procedures
    • # of students who have tested positive
    • Masks and hygiene in school is working
    • Most absences due to those with family members who have tested positive
    • Health department is working well with school personnel
    • Adaptations due to Covid have mostly been positive, and some will remain in effect even after they are not mandated.
  • Community Council Training
    • Online-Encouraged to log on between now and January meeting to view trainings
  • ROAR Room
    • Time to take a minute, Calming, technology free, relaxation zone
    • Refocus coordinator-Kirby Harris
    • Successes and good experiences
    • Selection of students by either self selection or teacher referral
  • Open Discussion about science Fair 
  • Tour of the ROAR Room

Meeting adjourned at 4:05pm