Temp 33.96 Feels Like 28.92
Sunrise 7:17 am
Sunset 6:07 pm

PreSchool Application

Participation Agreement

Please read the following conditions for participation and CHECK EACH BOX to indicate your agreement.

If you do not agree to ALL of the following conditions, do not submit the application.


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DISCLAIMER: Registration does not guarantee your child's participation. Sevier District's ability to offer this program is contingent upon receipt of grant funding. Grant funding notification is not expected until late June/early July. Applicants will be notified ASAP once Sevier District learns if funding has been awarded or denied.



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Child's Information


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Primary Contact Information (legal guardian)


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Secondary Contact Information 


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Risk Factor Assessment

 Read the list below and select the statement that applies

  • Child was born to mother who was 18 years old or younger
  • A member of child's household is incarcerated
  • Child lives in a neighborhood with high violence/crime
  • One or both parents have a low reading ability
  • Family has moved at least once in the last year
  • Child has ever been in foster care
  • Lives in a household with multiple families
  • Child exposed to physical abuse or domestic violence in the home
  • Child exposed to stressful life events (death, chronic illness or mental health issues of a parent or sibling)
  • Language spoken in the home most often is NOT English
  • A parent of the child did not graduate from high school

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Income Information

You can verify your eligibility by clicking the current income guidelines for free and reduced lunch .

Income Guidelines

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I certify (promise) that all information on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.  School officials have my permission to verify the information on this application.  I understand that if I give false information or if I do not meet all of the terms of this agreement, my child(ren) will lose these tuition benefits. 

Deadline for application submission is August 1

DISCLAIMER:  Registration does not guarantee your child's participation.  Sevier District's ability to offer this program is contingent upon receipt of grant funding.  Grant funding notification is not expected until late June/early July.  Applicants will be notified ASAP once Sevier District learns if funding has been awarded or denied.

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