Temp 39.49 Feels Like 35.46
Sunrise 7:17 am
Sunset 6:07 pm


School librarians are an important part of a school community. They work with students to promote research and inquiry skills, media literacy, and reading engagement. Over the years, their responsibilities have evolved as resources and techniques have changed. These changes are reflected in the 2014 revision of the Utah Standards for Library Media.
Over the last year, these Standards have been revised by a committee of library media experts from Utah schools, communities, and universities. On Friday, May 9, the Utah State School Board reviewed and discussed the Utah Standards for Library Media (grades 6-12). They voted to allow the Standards to move forward to public comment. On Monday, May 19, the Standards were posted on the USOE website for all interested members of the public to comment after reading them.
Review, insight, and comments from all stakeholders in Utah—teacher librarians, teachers, administrators, and parents—are a critical part of this public comment session! Please read them and submit your feedback before August 17, 2014.
After the public comment session, all comments will be reviewed and incorporated as appropriate into the Standards. The final document will be presented to the Board for their review.