Temp 35.78 Feels Like 31.62
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

RHS Community Council

Richfield High School

495 West Center Street

Richfield, Utah 84701

Date: October 11, 2023

Place: RHS Conference Room

Time: 11:30 AM

  1.  Update roster
  2. RHS Update
    1. 10 yr plan
    2. Branding
    3. Fall Successes
  3. What is Trustlands video.
  4. Review current plan
  5. Implementation Update
    1. Double Block LA9
    2. Reading Component to the LA9 Lab
    3. Purchase of Edgenuity For Credit Recovery
    4. Recovery of Credit Course for Seniors
    5. Monday F report and communication of Cat Time
    6. Hired additional IAs
  6. School Report Card
  7. Social Media positive support Group
  8. Career Day
  9. Calendar future meetings
  10. Around the Table