Temp 58.46 Feels Like 55.74
Sunrise 7:45 am
Sunset 6:40 pm

Pahvant Elementary: Utah Title I Schoolwide Planning 

School: Pahvant Elementary School  

District: Sevier School District

Plan For School Year: 2024-2025


  1. Stakeholder Planning Team- ESEA Sec. 1114(b)(2)


Title I Schoolwide Planning Team Name Signature

Principal: Chad Johnson

Title I facilitator or coordinator: Chad Johnson

Faculty member: Tia Lund

Faculty member: Kaylee Garvin

Faculty member: Chris Shaddix

Parent representative: 

Parent representative: Rebecca Damron

Parent representative: Sarah Harcourt 

Community/business representative: 

Schoolwide Title I plans must be developed with the meaningful involvement and input of parents, other members of the community to be served, and teachers and staff who will carry out the plan.

LEA Title I Director Signature _________________ Date _______________

Principal ___________________________ Signature _________________ Date _______________


2. Describe the process for involving stakeholders and how their input was used to develop the Schoolwide Program:


At Pahvant Elementary, we believe that the ongoing engagement of parents is very important to the success of our student’s education. To meet the Title I Schools requirements, our school must create and support a strong parent-school partnership. In order to receive Title I funding for our school, programs that support parent engagement must be in place and implemented. As a Title I school, we encourage parent volunteerism and plan meaningful activities in which parents and families may participate. 


Each year we invite individuals to serve as a members of the Pahvant Community Council.  To be eligible you must have a student enrolled at Pahvant Elementary during the school years you are serving. (Elections will be held by September 25th each school year. We encourage anyone interested to submit an interest form) Interest forms are sent out at the beginning of each school year with up to date information for the current school year’s elections. Information is also available on our website https://www.seviersd.org/index.php/pahvant-elementary.html


Responsibilities of the community council include:


  • Participate in the development of the school’s Title I Plan including an ongoing school improvement plan 

  • Participate in the development of a Trust Lands proposal and budget

  • Participate in the development of a school-level professional development plan.

  • Serve as the school curriculum review committee

  • Serve as the building needs committee

  • Provide an opportunity for issues of concern in the community to be presented to the school administration

  • Review and act upon all applications for the formation of student clubs 

  • Work to improve and update the Title One plan for Pahvant Elementary
  • Evaluates 
    • Barriers to the engagement of parents, especially parents who are economically disadvantaged, disabled, or limited English or literacy proficiency, or of any racial or ethnic minority
    • The needs that parents and families have that may prevent them from helping with their children’s learning and from engaging with school staff
    • Strategies to support successful family-school interactions.


Stakeholders are given school data and presented the school-wide plans for the current timeframe. Parents are encouraged to participate by asking questions, giving feedback, and helping with the creation of the upcoming plans as we strive to improve our practices each year. This is accomplished via in-person meetings, emails, phone calls, etc. 

  1. Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) - ESEA Sec. 1114(b)(6)

The CNA is a systematic effort to acquire an accurate and thorough picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the school that impact equitable student outcomes. 1. List all sources of data collected and analyzed (i.e., longitudinal student academic and nonacademic achievement, curriculum and instruction, professional learning opportunities, school climate and culture, family and community engagement, etc.)

ESSA Sec. 1114(b)(6)

Student Achievement Trends


Pahvant Elementary School utilizes data from RISE mathematics and language arts assessments.  Data from these assessments are used for formative and summative purposes. 

Subject Area





3rd Grade ELA





3rd Grade Math





4th Grade ELA





4th Grade Math





5th Grade ELA





5th Grade Math





3rd Grade Acadiance Composite

Pahvant Elementary School utilizes data from Acadiance. Data is tracked throughout the school year and is used to target students who are at risk of not being at or above grade level by the end of each school year. Progress monitoring data is used to make key decisions regarding tiered instruction at the individual level.

Common Formative Assessments

Each grade level team teaches the core as it has been adopted by the USBE. In addition, we use an RTI model that focuses exclusively on our Guaranteed Viable Curriculum (Essential Standards). Each grade level creates short common formative assessments that align with our essential standards. Data is reviewed by grade-level teams and key stakeholders within the school to determine the next steps in planning and instruction. Our goal is that 80% of all students will achieve mastery at 80% or higher at the Tier I level. Following Tier I instruction and reviewing common formative assessment data, students will be grouped for Tier II instruction or enrichment. Our goal is that 90% of our students master essentials at 80% or higher before moving out of tier II. Tier III instruction will be ongoing. Students who receive Tier III support will be identified through multiple measures and will be selected based on data and team discussions.   

Demographic Data

School Climate Data

Latest Survey 2024

State TSI Information

Pahvant Elementary was identified by the Utah Board of Education (USBE) as one of about 560 schools in the state to receive the designation status of in need of Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI). Teams at Pahvant have engaged in a rigorous process over the past few years to assess current strengths and needs, engage stakeholders, and design clear and measurable goals for the improvement of the growth rate for specific subgroups of students identified by USBE, Students with Disabilities. A summary of the Plan for Improvement, Measurable Goals, and Evidence-Based Practices identified through the extensive process can be found below.

Instructional Practices

Tire I instruction is focused on the Utah Core as approved by USBE.  Pahvant Elementary faculty and staff are focused on the core standards and have worked to identify the essential standards for each grade level. Our teams meet twice weekly at a minimum to ensure each team member understands the content that needs to be taught and learned during a given period of time. Common formative assessments are created by the team, data is reviewed by teams and instructional decisions are made based on the data and student needs.

In addition, we use an RTI model that focuses exclusively on our essential standards. Each grade level creates short common formative assessments that align with our essential standards. Data is reviewed by grade-level teams and key stakeholders within the school to determine the next steps in planning and instruction. Our goal is that 80% of all students will achieve mastery at 80% or higher at the Tier I level. Following Tier I instruction and reviewing common formative assessment data, students will be grouped for Tier II instruction or enrichment where at least 90% or our student will hit 80% or higher with mastery. Tier III instruction will be ongoing throughout the school year 4 days each week. Tier III instructions will be intensely focused on 5 essential standards with reading fluency being the top priority. (Students who receive Tier III support will be identified through multiple measures and will be selected based on data and team discussions.)  



2. Summarize main findings including an examination of student, teacher, school, and family/community strengths and needs. Findings should include detailed analysis of all student groups of 10 or more, i.e., students identified as economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, students identified as English learners, and students by major racial and ethnic groups. This analysis should show direct relationships from the data and root causes in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment to the priorities identified in the next section.

Our team found that our students with disabilities had the biggest discrepancy among all subgroups. As a result, we made a significant adjustment to our school's tiered programs. This involved input from several stakeholders. It is anticipated that it will take three years to see the full impact of the adjustments that have been made as a result of our work.


3. Prioritize the school’s top needs as evidenced by the CNA.

Priority 1: Increase students' abilities to read fluently, and improve Acadience Composite proficiency to a minimum of 70% 

Priority 2: Increase students' proficiency in ELA to a minimum of 55% (2024 actual 52.66%)

Priority 3: Increase students’ proficiency in Mathematics to a minimum of 65% (2024 actual 63%)

Priority 4: In coordination with Sevier School District’s Early Learning Goal:

By May 23, 2025 Sevier School District will increase the number of 3rd grade students reading at grade level from the beginning of the year to the end of the year by 22%. To achieve this we will be focused on reading fluency and comprehension with deliberate practices utilizing researched programs and practices. (i.e. Flow, PAST Assment, Phonics Blast, Paired Repeated Reading, Wonders, Acadience Progress Monitoring, Data-Driven Decision Making with PLC Practices, Common Formative Assessments, etc.) 


  Priority 5: By May 23, 2025, 70% of 3rd-grade students will be proficient readers as measured by the Acadience Reading Assessment. Students served in Special Education will make a 10%  growth improvement on the Dibels 

  Reading Assessment.

  1. Develop a Comprehensive Schoolwide Plan - ESEA Sec. 1114(B)(7)

A Schoolwide Plan consists of strategies the school will use to upgrade the entire educational program and improve the outcomes for the lowest-achieving students. 

1. For each of the prioritized needs (from CNA), identify specific strategies the school will implement. 

    Detail the who, what, how, and when of strategy implementation. Strategies should be    

    evidence-based (ESEA Sec. 8101(21)(A)).

Priority 1: Increase students' abilities to read fluently, and improve Acadience Composite proficiency to a minimum of 70% 

Priority 2: Increase students' proficiency on RISE ELA to a minimum of 55%

Priority 3: Increase students’ proficiency in Mathematics to a minimum of 65%

Priority 4: In coordination with Sevier School District’s Early Learning Goal:

By May 23, 2025 Sevier School District will increase the number of 3rd grade students reading at grade level from the beginning of the year to the end of the year by 22%. To achieve this we will be focused on reading fluency and comprehension with deliberate practices utilizing researched programs and practices. (i.e. Flow, PAST Assment, Phonics Blast, Paired Repeated Reading, Wonders, Acadience Progress Monitoring, Data-Driven Decision Making with PLC Practices, Common Formative Assessments, etc.) 

Priority 5: By May 23, 2025, 70% of 3rd-grade students will be proficient readers as measured by the Acadience Reading Assessment. Students served in Special Education will make a 10%  growth improvement on the Dibels 

  Reading Assessment.

-Hire multiple IAs and an Instructional Coach, Allow for more instructional support in our mainstream and special education classrooms

-Provide a scientifically research-based curriculum and delivery framework (Core standards via Wonders and flexible learning groups that follow the Tiered instructional approach.) Materials will be purchased to allow flexibility and targeted instruction.

-Provide opportunities for teachers and administrators to participate in professional development and to work in collaborative teams to plan for and improve student learning.

-Provide opportunities for teachers and administrators to participate in professional development and to work in collaborative teams to plan for and improve student learning. 

-Design flexible groups for our students not at 80% proficiency and extensions for those at mastery in relation to our Essential Standards (based on grade level common formative assessments)

-Provide in-class support for our teachers and instructional assistants. Our Instructional Coach will support classroom instruction through coaching, curriculum review & design, and overseeing interventions (Flex Groups), compiling data, and participating in team meetings to support the work of teams.

-Review data on a regular basis to make informed decisions on instructional practices and to make timely adjustments and be deliberate in day-to-day practices determined by teams through data analysis. 

-Support our take-home library and at-home reading program



2. Outline a communication plan specifying how staff, families, and other stakeholders will be made aware of the Schoolwide Program.


Faculty and Staff

Goals are reviewed formally at least twice annually at team and faculty meetings/training. Plans are also listed in the faculty handbook and on the school's website. 


We host one-on-one back-to-school conferences/ annual Title I meetings with each student along with their parents. Title I information is shared at these meetings as well as on our school’s website.




3. Summarize parent and family engagement strategies that will be implemented to improve student learning, e.g., literacy training, using technology, etc. (ESEA 1118(e)(2)

At Pahvant Elementary we keep parents informed of all activities happening as it relates to student learning. We host one-on-one back-to-school conferences, fall SEPs, and Spring SEPs. During conferences, academic successes and challenges are reviewed. Parents are given the opportunity to ask questions and learn of ways to support their children at home and school. Teachers have a minimum of two forms of communication i.e. personal text, email, School Binder app., etc. in addition to calling the school or in-person meetings, to allow for timely communication to take place.   


We also host a parent reading training each year. Parents are encouraged to attend a training where we teach them strategies to support their children at home during their busy schedules. We have a take-home library for our third-grade students. Third-grade students are sent home with a book at their level four days each week. Students read the book with their parents, the parent signs a ticket each night and returns the book and ticket to the school. Our 4th and 5th grade students continue with reading tickets each night but a book isn’t sent home. We encourage self-selection for our upper-grade levels and have had great success. The reading tickets have suggested strategies for each night i.e. summarizing, retelling, predicting, etc. 

  1. Regular Monitoring and Plan Revision -  ESEA Sec. 1114(b)(3)


The Schoolwide Program strategies are regularly monitored and revised as necessary, based on evolving student needs. 

- Articulate the benchmarks to be used to evaluate program effectiveness, including, but not limited to, measuring the academic progress of each student. 

- Indicate the frequency, e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually, etc. with which each benchmark will be monitored. 

- Specify the resources, e.g., time, personnel, methods, that will be dedicated to monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the Schoolwide Program.





Acadience Reading

Three times annually

Instructional Assistants, Acadience Program, iPads, Modified Schedules, Approximately 8 hours per class

Acadience Math

Three times annually

Acadience Program, Approximately 20 minutes per class

RISE Benchmarks

As directed by each grade level team

Chromebooks, RISE Platform, Time varies 

RISE Interim (ELA, Math)

Once Mid-January

Chromebooks, RISE Platform, Approximately 4 hours

RISE Summative (ELA, Math, Science, Writing)

Once in May

Chromebooks, RISE Platform, Approximately 8 hours

iReady Math

Three-time annually

Lab Assistant, iReady Program, Approximately 90 minutes per session

Essential Standards Formative Assessments (ELA, Math)

Multiple times each year as part of our RTI programs (Two+ assessments for each essential standard in ELA & Math)

Time!, Planning, Development/Design, Chromebooks, Illuminate, McGraw Hill Program, Approximately 20 minutes per assessment



  1. Coordination and Integration of Services and Resources - ESEA SEc. 1114(b)(5)

Show how Title I funds, along with other local, state and/or federal resources, will be used to implement the Schoolwide Program strategies.


Schoolwide Program

Funding Program

Approximate $ Amount

Additional Resources 

Hire multiple IAs, an Instructional Coach, and a portion of our mental health coordinators to allow for more support in our mainstream classrooms, special education classrooms, and to support our Tier II and Tier III programs. In addition, provide more in-class support for our teachers and students. Our Instructional Coach will support classroom instruction through coaching, curriculum review & design, overseeing interventions (Flex Groups), compiling data, and participating in team meetings to support the work of teams.

Title I (A)



Trust Lands






Provide a scientifically research-based curriculum and delivery framework (Core standards via Wonders and flexible learning groups that follow the Tiered instructional approach.) Materials will be purchased to allow flexibility and targeted instruction.

Title I (A)



Trust Lands






Provide opportunities for teachers and administrators to participate in professional development and to work in collaborative teams to plan for and improve student learning.

Title I (A)



Trust Lands






Design flexible groups for our students not at 80% proficiency and extensions for those at mastery in relation to our Essential Standards (based on grade level common formative assessments)

Title I (A)



Trust Lands






Review data on a regular basis to make informed decisions on instructional practices and to make timely adjustments and be deliberate in day-to-day practices determined by teams through data analysis. 

Title I (A)



Trust Lands






Support our take-home library and at-home reading program 

Title I Family Engagement



Trust Lands






  1. Staff Qualifications - ESEA Sec. 1111(g)(2)(J)


All teachers and instructional paraprofessionals must meet State certification and licensure requirements. Documentation for school staff demonstrates the following:

 ____ All teachers are state certified, i.e., have a Professional License, Associate License, or LEASpecific License (Board Rule R277-301) and appear as USOE Qualified in CACTUS. 

____ All instructional paraprofessionals are highly qualified, i.e., a high school graduation/GED and one of the following: an associate degree (or higher); at least 48 semester hours

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HEREBY CERTIFY that to the best of our knowledge, we have complied with all the components in our Title I Schoolwide Program and have developed our plan based on needs and strengths identified through a comprehensive analysis of current academic and nonacademic data. We have built into our plan a process for evaluating whether the evidence-based strategies are resulting in improved student outcomes.                                                                                                                      ___________________________                        ___________________________                                

      School Principal/Director                                    LEA Title I Director (if different)