Temp 81.12 Feels Like 79.39
Sunrise 6:25 am
Sunset 8:43 pm



The staff at Pahvant Elementary recognizes that parental involvement is key to student academic achievement.  The term parent within this policy refers to a parent or legal guardian of the child. When parents are actively involved in their child’s education, the attitudes, behaviors and achievements of students are positively enhanced.


Parents and families provide the primary educational environment for children:  consequently, parents are vital and necessary partners with the schools throughout their children’s school career.  The educational staff at Pahvant Elementary in conjunction with students and parents will develop the following:

1. Effective Two-Way Communication Between the Home and School

Effective communication requires school-initiated contact with the parent and parent-initiated contact with the school where both parties provide vital information about the child’s strengths, challenges, and accomplishments.  Appropriate steps will be taken to allow clear communication between the school and the parents. Pahvant Elementary shall adhere to Sevier School District Board policies regarding the use of School Community Councils, Parent/Teacher, IEP, and SEP conferences to build open and effective communication with parents.

2. Support and encourage responsible parenting.

The family plays a key role in helping to create a child’s educational environment.  Pahvant Elementary School personnel shall support positive parenting by respecting and affirming the strengths and skills needed by parents to fulfill their role.

3. Invite and welcome parents as volunteers in the schools.

Parent volunteers are essential for advancing student achievement.  Therefore, parents shall be welcome and invited to volunteer at Pahvant Elementary School.  Volunteer opportunities shall capitalize on the expertise, interests and skills of the parents, and have direct connection to classroom and school goals.

4. Consider parents as full partners in educational decisions that affect their children

Parents and educators have mutual responsibility to make informed decisions related to all aspects of their child’s education.  Pahvant School personnel will actively enlist parent participation in decision-making. Efforts shall be made to recruit and support participation by parents representing diverse student groups such as: Limited English proficient, special needs, gifted and talented, and homeless.  The role of parents in shared decision-making shall be continually evaluated, refined and expanded at the school level.