Upcoming School Plan Pahvant Elementary
2023-2024 School LAND Trust Plan
Students will achieve a minimum proficiency as follows: 55% ELA, 65% Mathematics, and 55% Science. Also, at least 80 % of students will achieve one year’s growth in ELA, Mathematics, and Science. Anticipated to be completed by June 1, 2024.
Academic Areas:
- Mathematics
- English Language Arts
- Science
- RISE Benchmarks will be used to measure progress towards achieving proficiency in each area as follows: 55% ELA, 65% Mathematics, and 55% Science. Also at least 80 % of students will achieve one year’s growth in ELA, Mathematics, and Science.
- RISE End-of-Level Assessments will be used to measure success towards our proficiency goals as follows: 55% ELA, 65% Mathematics, and 55% Science. Also at least 80 % of students will achieve one year’s growth in ELA, Mathematics, and Science
- The latest data we have from RISE is from spring 2022. At that time we had 51% (+2%) of students proficient in ELA, 59% proficient in Mathematics (+0%), and 48% (+7%) proficient in Science.
Add Action Steps and Expenditures:
1. Hire 7 IAs to work with students as well as a portion of our mental health coordinators
2. We will support our Arts Programs as it supports our math and science curriculum:
- We will use funds to hire a part-time music specialist and to pay a portion of our visual arts instructor's salary, in coordination with the BTS Arts Grant.
3.Refocus Coordinator(s)
- Hire part-time support staff to improve the social, emotional, and academic well-being of our students.
- Related training expenses
4. We will provide opportunities for teachers and administrators to participate in professional development and to work in collaborative teams to plan for and improve student learning.
- Funds will be utilized to hire substitutes to allow teachers to plan collaboratively during the regular school day as well as to cover classes during PD opportunities.
- Professional development seminars including travel expenses will be covered
- RTI and PLC Training
- Researched-based reading, math, and science training opportunities will be provided
- Opportunities for training as it relates to social and emotional support and PBIS
- Teachers will be paid at the training rate for additional training, planning, and collaboration time above contractual obligations to meet students’ needs as related to the stated goals in this plan.
5. We will purchase Software programs and Materials to support instruction
- Illuminate Ed. Will be purchased to support our RTI process
- Incentives will be purchased to support reading, math, and social-emotional programs (no more than $2.00 per awarded student).
- iReady will be purchased in partnership with Sevier School District paying for a matching portion of the total costs.
- Materials will be purchased to support reading, math, and science as needed
Planned Expenditures
Digital Citizenship Component
At Pahvant Elementary we cover digital citizenship and safety in NOVA, Second Step, and have an assembly for our student body to discuss current issues and to help them better understand appropriate internet use and the dangers that can and do exist. (estimated $600)
Estimated Carryover (as needed if the carry-over is >10%)
Funding Changes
Plans for Expenditures of Increased Distribution
Any additional funds will be used to improve or enhance the following key components of our school plan: Instructional Supplies/Professional Development/Software/Technology Related Hardware/Equipment and/or salaries and benefits.
How does this relate to the school improvement/strategic plan?
Key academic goals outlined in the Pahvant Elementary School Improvement Plan are to ensure that all students read proficiently at grade level, possess grade-level mathematics skills, and acquire effective writing competencies. Trust Lands' funding will be utilized to support reading, math, and writing instruction at all levels throughout the school.