Temp 58.46 Feels Like 55.74
Sunrise 7:45 am
Sunset 6:40 pm

The Following is a summary of how the Trust Lands Funds were utilized at Pahvant Elementary during the 2020-2021 School year. ($86,903 was allocated during the 2020-2021 school year)


Instructional Assistants were hired to support our flex group program at Pahvant Elementary as part of our RTI program. Assistants also supported our efforts with PBIS and provided social skills support to improve instructional time to allow all students to learn.  


TVs were purchased for 13 of our classrooms. The remaining classrooms were purchased via other school budgets. Mounting brackets were also purchased. 


Field experiences were afforded to our students in relation to our science standards. Busses and related fees were covered for these opportunities. (Only 3rd grade this year) 


Teachers were provided common planning time during the school day as well as during non-contractual time to enhance student learning.


Software programs were purchased to enhance the learning experience through multiple learning styles and abilities.  Technology hardware was purchased in connection with state initiatives and has been implemented with great success.


Student/ parent communicator folders were purchased for each student to increase home and school communication. 


Two computers were purchased for our Refocus Team to us in conjunction with our SEL and PBIS programs at PES


Funds were also utilized to pay a portion of our BTS Arts Specialist in conjunction with district funds.


Earbuds were purchased to support our students in hearing and utilizing online programs. 


Books and incentives were purchased to support our home reading program.