Temp 76.96 Feels Like 75.16
Sunrise 7:36 am
Sunset 6:52 pm

Community Council Minutes


Members in Attendance: Mike Larsen, Trish Larson, Rachelle Crane, Ashley Robins, Wesley Blake, Karren Allen, Chad Johnson, Mark F. Stewart.

Members not in attendance: Keira Huntsman, Tori Ott, and Jeri Busk.

Business Items:


  1. Minutes from the last meeting and this meeting can be found on the Pahvant school website.  Minutes were reviewed and approved.


  1. Reviewed proposed Trust Lands Plan for 2019-20  Field trips tied to Science goals


  1. Review proposed Trust Lands Budget
  1. Added Apple TV or HDMI for all classrooms.  District is providing new computers for teachers (5-yr rotation with schools in district)
  2. PTA donated $1700 to field trips and Bee’s Game
  3. RISE Assessment FAQs It is a multi-stage adaptive test
  4. Roster signatures were sent through email from the State
  5. “Watch Dogs” Program discussed
  1. Parent-male figure-volunteer program in classroom, on playground, etc.
  2. Is there a need for more dads? Gooseberry must have dads for the overnight portion to continue
  3. Have several Dad volunteers, including Mr. Taylor and Mr. Bean, who are in our school almost daily working with students on multiplication facts and science projects
  4. Several Dads attended the State Capitol Field Trip
  5. Parents/Dada know when needed at school
  6. Middle school and high school students- 20 or so volunteers help on their days off
  7. High School Seniors-currently have 5 students
  8. Cost of field trips--limits on the number of students & busing costs
  1. Thanksgiving Point-will only take certain numbers in each group
  2. Gooseberry-anyone can volunteer-with background check to stay overnight
  3. Capitol Reef-plenty of space, but not as tightly aligned to the core curriculum
  4. SUU-limited numbers because of space and bussing costs
  5. Bee’s Game-admission paid for through PTA, bussing is about $1,700 all 5th graders in State are invited, need chaperones who know the students, 1:8-need about 24 parents this year
  1. Fair way to get chaperones discussion-conclusion, no real 

     answer; possibly have a letter at the beginning of each year


  1. Draft budget and plan approved with inclusion of Apple TV or HDMI for 

                    each Classroom

  1. State will send information-training, signatures, etc. through email

  1. Next Year
  1. All members will continue on the Community Council with the exception of Keira Huntsman and Jeri Busk who have completed two years
  2. Next meeting will be scheduled in the fall