Temp 40.96 Feels Like 37.62
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

Community Council



Members in Attendance: Branton Nielson, Jessica Jensen (online), Sara Harcourt, Jenny Thalman, Wesley Blake, Chad Johnson, Mark F. Stewart, and Karren Allen.

Members not in attendance: Stephanie Anderson, Korolina Kukulka, Jeanna Ogden

Business Items:


  1. Welcome and Minutes
  1. Welcome to the meeting.
  2. Minutes read and approved. 
  1. Students are still eating in their classrooms. 
  2. Zones on the playground were discontinued 2-3 weeks ago.
  3. Jessica mentioned how appreciative parents are for help being provided to students during the day by the Wild Cat Den.
  4. Minutes are on the Pahvant website.


  1. Review & Finalize Next Year’s Proposed Plan/Budget
  1. Trust Lands Allotment Estimate is about $1,600 less because we have about 30 fewer students next year.  
  2. TSSA should be $4-5,000 more than 2020-2021.  
  3. Title I changes yearly.
  4. There is no anticipated increase in funds for next year.
  5. Anticipated Carry-over probably really $5,400.  When there is a State pay raise, it does not cover Instructional Assistants.  We have to cover their raises and use  carry-over funds to cover them.  It is a safety net for our school which enables us to preserve the help from IAs for our students. Carry over can be no more than 10%. 
  6. Change out projectors in classrooms for TVs.
  1. Cost of 75” TV little more than $800 each.
  2. Half-life should last 6-8 years.
  3. 4500-600 projectors for 2-3 years
  4. Need a TV for 19 regular education classrooms, 2 special education classrooms, and PLC room.
  5. Plan to buy 10-12 TVs this year, may have the money to buy the rest.
  6. Will keep 1-2 projectors, probably won’t keep any more extra

    G. Budget is a little different than we discussed earlier.

  1. Anticipated budget $1,600 less
  2. Carryover $8,400
  3. TSSA funds can be used to pay for District initiatives
  4. Added TVs, but no projectors or bulbs
  5. Robotic supplies-After school Robotics Club starts next week. 5th grade only this year, with 4th added next year

  1. Review & Finalize Next Year’s Proposed Plan 
  1. The Plan is the same as the one emailed to everyone.
  2. Professional Development-The conference we planned to attend was canceled last and this year.
  3. Arts-It is possible the legislature will fund more.
  4. Bolster Science and involve more local people.
  5. Increased Distribution worded so that we can use it on any line item in our budget.
  6. Amendments-The Trust Lands website has been down.  Once the site is back up, if there are any amendments that need to be made, Mr. Johnson will email each of the committee members.
  7. Training-Ensure all council members are trained.
  8. Watch for an email from the State of Utah with our finalized Plan and Budget, hopefully by mid-March.  It will require a digital signature. 


IV.  Next Meeting will be scheduled for the beginning of next year.