2013-14 School Year
Dear Parents,
Results of community council election: We had two openings on our community council and only had two people submit paperwork requesting to be on the council. As such, no elections were needed and our community council by unanimous decision accepted the appointments of Wendi Sorensen and LaNeice Congdon onto the council. If you have any questions regarding the election, please contact Mr. T. The members of our Community Council this year will include:
Name Phone E-mail Address
Wendi Sorensen 638-7437
LaNeice Congdon 638-7341
Clayton Bagley 638-7566
Carrie Torgersen 638-7448
Allison Lewis 638-7462
Chet Torgersen* 638-7303
Melissa Bagley* 638-7303
Alcea Bagley* 638-7303
* School representative
Our Chair and Vice-Chair for the year are:
Chair: Allison Lewis
Vice-Chair: Carrie Torgersen
2013-2014 Proposed Meetings:
Oct 28 3:00pm
Dec. 16 3:00 pm
March 3 3:00 pm
All parents are invited to attend the meetings if they would like. Meetings will be held at Koosharem Elementary in Mr. T’s classroom.
Thank you,
Koosharem Elementary Community Council
Dear Parents,
In accordance with the requirements for the School Trust Land Money, we are reporting to you how the money received by Koosharem Elementary was used last year.
Money received for the 2012-2013 school year was used to provide an extra half hour for one of our instructional assistants during each day. This allowed the aide to continue to be in the classroom during the times that core subjects were taught. Money was also used to purchase additional science equipment to be used in the classrooms to teach science core standards.
We appreciate the opportunity to serve you on the community council. If you have any ideas or suggestions for our council, we invite you to visit with any member of our council and/or to attend our council meetings.
Thank you for your support,
Koosharem Elementary Community Council
2012-13 School Year
Koosharem Elementary Trust Lands Final Report 2011-12
Dear Parents:
In accordance with the requirements for the School Trust Land Money, we are reporting to you how the money received by Koosharem Elementary was used last year.
Money received for the 2011-2012 year was used to provide an extra half hour for one of our instructional assistants during each day. This allowed the aide to continue to be in the classroom during the times that core subjects were taught. Money was also used to purchase iPads for student use in classrooms. We felt that both the additional time for the aide, along with the iPads, helped the teachers with their responsibility of dealing with multiple grades.
Please make a note that we have changed our meeting schedule for the current year from the original letter we sent home. We will be meeting:
December 10 3:30 pm
March 25 3:30 pm
All meetings will take place in Mr. T’s room and are open to all parents’ to attend.
Thank you for your support,
Koosharem Elementary Community Council