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Koosharem Community Council Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
3:15 pm
Koosharem Elementary School

1. Melissa motioned to accept last meetings minutes. Alcea seconded. All in favor- yes.
2. Science items - Mr. Torgersen thinks he has enough science items.
3. Mrs. Alcea Bagley would like to see more aides in the classrooms. Mr. Torgersen suggested more musical help at the school and art. Megan and the PTO will begin looking for local people who could share their talents.
4. $4,700 total
5. We could also use some PE time.
6. In attendance- Alcea Bagley, Wes Torgersen, Melissa Bagley, Megan Fielding, Scott Kinney, and Jeremy Woolsey.
7. Incentives - movies, Moms and Muffins, Dads and Donuts, etc.
8. Melissa motioned to adjourn. Wes seconded.


Notice of Community Council was sent out January 3, 2018 via text, phone, and email.