TSSA Plan/Budget- 2024-2025


Total Allocation: $119,604.00

Plan will be adjusted according to the actual allocation of money

TSSA money will be spent in alignment with Ashman Elementary School Trust Land Goals.

 Trustland Goal #1

 Ashman Elementary School’s  goal is to ensure that we meet the needs of all students in reading & language arts through a quality instructional model.  Instructional Assistants will provide the support needed to focus on individual students needs and targeted instruction to help all students either show adequate growth or proficiency based on spring Acadience data.  Instructional Assistants will work with teachers to assist with differentiated instruction using systems for prevention, intervention, and accelerated learning targets to address individual student learning styles and needs. They will also complete weekly progress monitoring using Acadience for at risk students.

 To achieve this  goal we want every child to leave Ashman Elementary in the academic areas of reading and math at or above  grade level.  In order to do that, teachers need tools to help with classroom instruction.  Really Great Reading, A-Z Learning, IXL software and ESGI are data driven programs that help provide the foundational reading skills that improve word-level reading, improved reading accuracy, and an increased reading rate and math skills.  We want to create a strong reading foundation that will result in better comprehension, an ability to tackle complex content in the areas of reading and math.  

 Standard Based Report Cards and Communication folders are used as a communication tool with parents. Report cards are prepared for parents 3 times a year to keep parents up to date on student academic progress.  Communication folders allow materials to go home to parents each week.