In attendance:
- Jill Porter
- Amee Roundy
- Anna Johnson
- Brianna Hutchinson
- Ashley Wilder
- Tori Ott
- Karen Stevenson


• Reviewed last meeting’s minutes and approved.

• Trust land funds for upcoming year reviewed for new members

• We watched a training video about the roles and responsibilities of school community councils

• PTO Presidency for 2020-2021 announced. We are still in need of a President and Vice President. Jill will send out another flyer asking for volunteers

- Secretary: Ashley Wilder
- Treasurer: Brianna Hutchinson
• Ashman theme: Wild about learning (Safari)- be thinking of ways to incorporate the theme into activities, assemblies, programs etc.

• PTO meetings are October 13th, January 12th and March 16th at 1:30pm. Should we have a Zoom option for parents to attend remotely?

• Fundraising: We are hoping to get at least 4 tables for the pavilion for classes to earn opportunities to eat outside.

• Box Tops/CokeGives- Karen Stevenson will be the coordinator for these programs. Is there a flyer giving instructions on how to collect the rewards?

• PTO volunteers: we will send out a survey asking for parent help at activities throughout the year, and to sign up to be a member of the PTO

• Covid-19 protocol: a notice will be sent home with parents at their parent/teacher meeting