Ashman Elementary PTO/Community Council Meeting

Date: January 21, 2020
Time: 1:30 pm
Place: Ashman Elementary Faculty Room

President - Tori Ott
Vice-President -
Secretary - Sarah Haslam
Treasurer -Jennifer Alsop

Agenda Items:

 Mrs. Porter will present 2020 Trust Land proposal.
Goal: Ashman Elementary will ensure that 80% of student will be reading
At grade level by the end of the school year.

Academic Area: Reading

**See Attachment**
Vote will be taken after discussion

Calendar Items:
Super Bowl Challenge
Birthday Table
Field Day
Valentine Fundraiser/Box Top Contest
SEP Luncheon
Book Fair
Teacher Appreciation Week

Next Meeting: April 21, 2020      @ 1:30 pm

*PTO Elections coming up in April

Meeting Notes:

*Trust Lands - Mrs. Porter went through Trust Land proposal for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. Each person in attendance was given a handout with proposed Trust Lands Information.
-Academic area Ashman will be focusing on is Reading.
-Action plan/Needs (See Attachment)

Vote was taken at the end of discussed and proposal was passed with a unanimous vote of 7 yes and 0 no.

*Super Bowl Challenge
No note will be going home - Remind will be sent out to parents
* Birthday Table will be done this month by John Praters parents
*May Field Day will be organized by Cheyenne Black
*Valentine Fundraiser will be done by Mrs. Wilder
All valentines will be sold for $1.00
Money earned will go to purchase tables for pavilion
*SEP luncheon for teachers will be February 27th
*Teacher Appreciation Week Theme - "Don't let the P"
*Dr. Seuss - March 2nd looking for parents to read with students on birthday celebration