59.97 Feels Like 57.27
Sunrise 6:45 am
Sunset 8:08 pm

Association leave is leave from a District employee’s regular responsibilities granted for the employee to spend time for association, employee association, or union duties.

The Association will be allowed up to 12 days total of Association Leave for teachers to be released from normal duties at the request of the Association. The following procedures are established to supervise the use of Association Leave.

1. The Association may request Leave under this policy to directly benefit education in the District or for purposes of performing those duties associated with representation of the bargaining unit.

2. All released time duties associated with SEA, UEA, and NEA are
considered Association Leave except:

2.1 negotiation meetings with District Representatives
2.2 grievance meetings with District Representatives, and
2.3 other joint meetings with District Representatives

3. The Association will reimburse the cost of the substitute teacher(s) when Association Leave days occur during school time.

4. No employee shall take more than 1 day of association leave in any calendar month. The leave must be taken in a minimum of a half-day (3.75 hours) increment.

5. The District shall provide Association Leave request forms, which are to include a statement of the purpose of the Leave. Requests are to be submitted to the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designee who shall:

5.1 approve or deny the request,
5.2 document the use and approval or denial of Leave requests,
5.3 determine whether the purpose of the Leave directly benefits education in the District, and
5.4 maintain an account of the costs and expenses of Association Leave.

6. The District may not allow paid association leave that may be used to engage in political activity, which includes:

6.1 political activity including advocating for or against a candidate for public office in a partisan or nonpartisan election;
6.2 solicit a contribution for a political action committee, a political issues committee, a political party or a candidate as defined by Utah Code § 20A-11-101; or
6.3 initiate, draft, solicit signatures for or advocate for or against a ballot proposition as defined by Utah Code § 20A-11-102.

7. Willful violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined by the Utah Orderly Termination Act. Utah Code § 53G-11-206 (2018)

Approved: 10/16/02
Revised: 11/09/16



SSD Education Association Leave Request