Community Council minutes from meeting on September 28, 2022

Those in attendance were Tammy Okerlund, Kylie Burgess, Sarah and Paul Mecham, Kayleen Lyman, Rod Hinck, and Angela .

Angela moves to approve minutes from the March 16, 2022 meeting.  Rod seconded it and everyone else was in favor.

Sarah Mecham and Tammy Okerlund were nominated by Kylie Burgess and Pul Mecham as our two new members of the council to fill two vacancies.  This motion was seconded by all.  Paul was nominated by Mr. Hinck as the Co-Chair and it was seconded by Kylie.  It was a unanimous vote to put Paul in. Sarah Mecham was nominated by Tammy as Co-Chair and seconded Rod.  This was approved by unanimous consent.

This year's Trustland Plan was then reviewed by all. 

Then the 2022 Spring RISE data was reviewed by all.

The following dates were decided for our next community council meetings:

November 16

February 8

March 8

Then we discussed current happenings in our school.  We went over the fire and lockdown drills.  Talked about staying in classes until let out by someone with a key.  Talked about Red Ribbon assembly and feedback on school pictures.

October 5, 2022 is our parent teacher conference.  We will have cake and canvas and drawing for those in attendance. We will have 5 $20 gift  certificates for local businesses. 

Talked about the new grading and training that teachers have been attending. 

Meeting was adjourned at 3:58 PM