Temp 40.96 Feels Like 37.62
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm


-Sevier School District, Monroe Elementary -


Adopted by the Council on 9/26/24


To promote ethical behavior and civil discourse, each council member shall:

  • Attend council meetings on time and prepared
  • Make decisions with the needs of students as the main objective
  • Listen to and value diverse opinions
  • Be sure the opinions of those the council represents are included in discussions
  • Expect accountability and be prepared to be accountable
  • Act with Integrity


Rules of Procedure:

Council members will receive training to understand the responsibilities of the council.  Council members receive training before preparing and taking action on School LAND Trust Plans and reports. 

All meetings are open to the public, and the public is welcome to attend. 

The agenda of each upcoming meeting, with draft minutes of the prior meeting, will be made available to all council members and the public at least one week in advance and will be posted on the school website.  The agenda will include the date, time, and location of the meeting, and any proposed action items. 

Written minutes will be kept of all meetings, prepared in draft format for approval at the next scheduled meeting. Approved minutes will be retained for three years. 

The council will prepare a timeline for the school year that includes due dates for all required reporting and other activities/tasks that the council agrees to assume or participate in.  The timeline will assist in the preparation of agendas to be sure the council accomplishes its work in a timely manner. 

The last week of August a Community Council Interest forms will be sent out to all eligible candidates who want to become members of Monroe Elementary’s Community Council. This will happen at least 10 days in advance of the election.  Patrons will return the interest form in person or in their child's communicator to file for election. 

When all eligible candidates have been received, the school will hold an election during the week of September 9-13 where patrons can cast their ballot either in person at Monroe Elementary School’s front office or they can send the election form with their child in their communicator to be returned to the office.

These dates will be noted on Monroe Elementary’s Official School Calendar on their website.  All Votes must be submitted by September 13th.  

All ballots will be counted by both the Secretary and the Principal at Monroe Elementary. In the case of a tie, The principal will flip a coin with the tied candidates to see who wins the election.

These dates will be posted on the school calendar on their official website. There will also be a note sent home with every student informing parents of the election.  

The council consists of the School Principal,  1 school employee(s), who is elected in even years, 2 parent members who are elected in even years, 2 parent members who are elected in odd years.   

When a full council is not seated in the election or a seat is vacated, the parent members of the council shall appoint members to fill unfilled parent positions, and school employee members shall appoint school employee members. 

The council shall elect a chair from the parent members and a vice-chair from the parent or school employee members at the first meeting of the year after the council is seated each year. These individuals will be nominated by  a member of the council and then the council will vote yea or nay on the candidates to place them as Chair and Vice Chair.   A principal cannot hold office.

Member Removal, in the case where a council member moves out of the area or has excessive absences, the parent members of the council shall appoint members to fill vacant parent position, and school employee members shall appoint school employee members position.

The chair conducts the meetings, makes assignments, and requests reports on assignments.  In the absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall conduct meetings.  The chair may delegate responsibilities to other council members. 

The council must have a quorum to vote.  A quorum is a majority of council members.   

Meetings shall be conducted and action taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure as required in 53G-7-1203(10).  Council actions will be taken by motions and voting with votes and motions recorded in the minutes. 


How to Handle Public Comment: If there are members of the public who would like to comment, they will be given time during the meeting. 

  • How to handle public comment.  The public may  speak or submit comments through a council member.   The council will respond directly to public comment.
  • The Principal will create the agenda for each council meeting under the direction of the chair. 
  • Electronic meetings
    • Will be consistent with the policy of the Local School Board
  • Declaring a conflict of interest (see Local School Board Policy)
  • If there is a conflict of interest it will be reported to the principal and the principal will report to the LEA who will help advise on how to move forward as directed by Local School Board Policy. 


Simple Motions of Parliamentary Procedure

Used by some organizations to assist those new to the process


Does it require a 2nd?

Is it debatable?

Can it be amended?

Is a vote required?






Amend a motion





Close nominations





Main motion





Point of Order




ruled on by chair

Previous Question










Withdrawal of motion






A motion is an action to be taken by the council and is stated as a motion.  Someone else on the council “seconds” the motion indicating at least one other person on the council feels the motion is worthy of discussion.  Then the council members may provide input and discussion as called upon by the chair.  When the discussion seems complete the chair may call for a vote on the motion.  Or when a member of the council “calls the previous question” (a motion to end discussion of the first motion), a second is required.  Without discussion, the chair calls for a vote that must pass by 2/3.  If the vote on the previous question fails, the council goes back to discussing the first motion.  If the motion to call the previous question passes, the chair directly calls for a vote on the first motion.  A vote to call the previous question is usually used to move business along.

  • A tie vote is a lost vote.
  • Most motions are main motions.  A main motion may be amended.
  • A point of order is offered when there is some question if the procedure has been followed correctly.
  • To stop debate or discussion on a motion and force the vote a member would say, “I move the previous question.”  This requires a second and a 2/3 vote.
  • Hasty action may be corrected by use of the motion to reconsider. This motion may be made only
    by one who voted on the prevailing side.
  • A person who made the motion may withdraw the same motion.