Temp 40.96 Feels Like 37.62
Sunrise 7:20 am
Sunset 6:04 pm

Community Council Meeting


  1. Welcome Mr. Heath

In attendance:

Autumn Farnsworth

Nicole Porter

Graydon Bascom

Brandon Hawkins

Wren Gardner

Chett Heath

Kate Swapp

Brian Winn

1. Welcome and introductions by Mr.Heath 

2. Watched video about Trustlands explaining what membership entails.

3.  Went over rules and procedures and adopted them.  Motion by Kate to Vote: unanimous vote to approve the procedures

4.  Approved minutes from previous meeting.  Motion to approve: Chett.  2nd Aubrey,  Minutes were unanimously approved

5. Chett showed the committee Monroe Elementary’s 2023-2024 data and the 24/25 trustland plan.

6. Next meeting will be held January 29, 2025.

7.  Election of chair and vice chair.

      Aubrey was nominated by Wren to be the chair.   Vote was unanimous.

      Wren was nominated by Aubrey to be the vice chair.  Vote was unanimous.


     8.  Trustland plan for 2025-2026 will be created to view at next meeting.

     9.  Motion By Chett to Adjourn meeting seconded by Graydon and voted upon: Unanimously approved for meeting to be Meeting adjourned.