Monroe Elementary
40 W Center St.
Monroe, Utah 84754
Community Council Meeting
Date: Wednesday, September 26, 2024
Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Monroe Elementary
1. Welcome: Principal – Chett Heath
- Introduction to the community council
School Community Council Welcome 2020
District School Community Council- Rules of Order and Procedure
2. Share Rules of Order and Procedures
Suggested Rules and Orders of Procedure
Vote on approval of Rules and Procedures For Monroe Elementary 24/25
3. Review Previous Minutes and Current Years Plan.
Vote to approve previous minutes
Look at the Data for Monroe Elementary
Select a chair and a vice chair for the 24/25 school year.
Gather contact information for all Council Members
4. Create a Timeline for the Community Council Requirements.
Public Comment:
Questions or Concerns:
3. Trust Lands
- Review 2023/2024 plan
4. Miscellaneous Items
5. Close Meeting