Ashman Elementary PTO Agenda
March 3, 2023


Lisa Thomas President
Austin Bozzelli Vice – President
Ashley Wilder Secretary
Rochelle Crane Treasurer

Agenda Items:

1. Approval of last meetings minutes

2. PTO Elections
Flyers were sent home last month looking for available candidates

3. Calendar Items
a. Teacher Appreciation May 1st – 5th
b. Field Day May 17th

4. Trust Lands proposal for 2023-2024 school year
Goal: Students leave Ashman reading on grade level
Discussion and Vote
Ashman Elementary wants to ensure that the needs of all students are being
met. Instructional Assistants will work with the teachers to assist with
differentiated instruction. Funds will be used to cover salary for Instructional
Assistants to help in the classroom.

Money will be used to purchase software, hardware and technology for the
classroom. Funds will be used to assist teacher and enhance instruction through computer programs such as ESGI, Brainpop and IXL. It may also be used for technology materials such as Apple TVs, projectors, chromebooks and any additional items that will enhance classroom instruction.

Community Council training can be found on