Temp 80.78 Feels Like 78.78
Sunrise 6:05 am
Sunset 8:47 pm

Disclosure and Opt-Out Form Regarding

Student Media or Social Media Usage

As part of Sevier School District’s efforts to communicate with patrons and citizens in Sevier County regarding educational activities within our school, we may invite reporters to cover educational activities and events. There are also times when reporters may contact our schools regarding a newsworthy story.  Similarly, reporters often attend and report on public events regarding our schools such as an artistic performance. We would like to begin broadcasting these artistic programs and performances so that family and friends who are not able to attend in person can still have the opportunity to support their students.  This will only apply to those performances and programs open to public attendance.  We will not be broadcasting normal, everyday school lessons and activities. Sevier School District would also like to increase our online presence on social media to keep students and parents informed of educational and other events.  It is a great way for you to see what your students are doing at school.

When the media or staff at the school wishes to highlight or report on work or activities, we generally work together to provide the best and most accurate information to the public. We cannot control media usage for events where the public is invited to attend (i.e. assemblies, sporting events, etc.).

Because our main concern and focus is educating students, in most cases, this reporting will focus on students.  Sevier School District recognizes, however, that parents may have concerns regarding media contact with their student(s) or putting them on social media sites (school run only).  Therefore, Sevier School District is requesting advance permission for your student(s) to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped in the event such an opportunity occurs during the school year to be used by media outlets or the school on social media.  We are giving you notice that unless you click the Opt Out button below; it will be assumed that you grant this permission. 

If you DO NOT want your student(s) to be interviewed, photographed, or videotaped by the media or used on school social media sites, then please select NO below. The school will keep this form on file and will strive to prevent media access to your student to the extent it is able.